Divorced Parents

Have any of your parents gotten a divorce when you were younger and since then you have never seen your real father or mother?

Answer #1

My parents got divorced when I was 3. My daddy kept me for a while. But when he got remarried he didnt want to see me anymore. I saw him every once in a while but only for like an hour. Then I got very depressed and cut myself so now he wants to be a part of my life. We still dont have a great relationship but its better.

Answer #2

I am 13 my mom got divorced a month ago, and my dad diddn’t want it. so now I HATE my mom and I don’t want anything to do with her.. F* her

Answer #3

my parents god divorced when I was 3 and I’m 14 now. I see my dad every friday & saturday, and he is an amazing father. my mother got remarried when I was eight. my step dad’s pretty cool (:

Answer #4

my mum and dad split up when I was 7, im now 18, I still sill me dad near enough every weekend. hes remarried but I dont get on with his wife, an my mum is engaged and I love my step dad 2 bits!!

Answer #5

My parents have been divorced for twelve years. I’ve seen my dad about ten times since then. He’s an asshole so I don’t really worry about it.

Answer #6

My parents are getting a divorse at the moment, my mum is in debt because he lost his job, he bought a new house in london and doesn’t care weather he sees us or not, I cut myself, because she is always annoyed with me, my brothers gone emo, (he’s 11) and my other brother (16) has resulted to drugs, I have done both these things, and I always have a pain in my stomach. I hate This life too much.

Answer #7

My dad used to physically/mentally abuse my mom,so she decided to leave him when I was 12. He then disappeared for years. Throughout the years I knew he existed knew he was around, but I made the choice of not contacting him. I was angry because throughout my life I went through a lot bad experiences and I blamed him but also my mom. I am currently 41yrs old and about 7 years ago I wrote hime a detailed letter of how I felt and hurt due to him taking off. I have also expressed to my mom feelings about it and yeah she does feel guilty because even though it was not her fault he hit her. We witnessed the abuse and it traumatized for a long time. Sometimes parents that are not constructive in kids life should not be around it does the kids more harm than good.

Answer #8

my mum and dad got devorced when I was about 2 and im almost 16 now. I dont see my dad but hes just got in contact after 12 years :(

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