Can a Christian become a Trinitarian/Christian Wiccan?

Answer #1

Yep, anyone can follow any kind of religion whenever they feel like it. You want to be a jew on monday and a catholic on tuesday, go for it.

Answer #2

the more you seek, the more you’ll find…and that is where your heart will bee…….

Answer #3

You can invent your own faith and call it whatever you like to call it.

Yet you will always find someone in whose interpretation you are wrong. There will always be somebody, somewhere who thinks that you are “not a real Christian” because you don’t conform with their idea of Christianity. Or who will think that you are “infidel” because you don’t believe in what they believe.

Remember: There is no human who knows which direction of faith is true. We all just believe that our own is true. Yet there is no way to be sure. So if you are sure, for yourself, that your faith is right for you then it is. Let no one else tell you that you are misled.

Answer #4

Hm. Which religion is on the menu today? I think I’m going to be… Pagan? No. Muslim? No. Buddhist? heck, no…. I want to be… Pastafarian. Yes. I’m Pastafarian today. And tomorrow I’ll be discordian again. On sunday I’ll be an atheist, because i want to sleep long and not go to any church. And next monday I’ll be Jedi.

Answer #5

no you are either wiccan or christian. U cannot worship multiple Gods if you beileve in the Lord. it doesnt work that way. You can call yourself watever you want. but it wont mean that you are truely a “christian” or “wiccan” Most wiccans worship multiple gods. If you are christian then u must know that God is a jealous God and he is only to be worhsipped. To worship another u would be falsefying yourself and beiefs. But it is of corse your choice and your beliefs. I cannot tell u wat to belive. look in ur heart. U no wat is right

Answer #6

Catholic Christians are actually polytheists in disguise. They have so many Saints who you can pray to, who do miracles, heal diseases and protect you in certain situations. They pray to Mother Mary, the Son the Father and the Holy Ghost, to Saint Rochus who saved us from the Pestilence, to Saint Nicholas who protects the poor, to Saint Florian who protects your Home from fire, … endless list following …to Saint whatever number 439 who blesses your flowerbeds…

Answer #7

as long as u love God the most. And those are his saints. they can be prayed to help in certain situations. Thats why they are angels “saints” Gods helpers… Supposedly

Answer #8

i think u asked this once before….. never decided did ya?

Answer #9

I really think that is wrong! We all need JESUS CHRIST,for he is OUR ONE AND ONLY!!!

Answer #10

you serious?

Answer #11

im serious my inteset in christianity religion but my problem no protect for me here

Answer #12

That would be a great answer had she asked for our opinions. She, however, did not.

Answer #13

The world is open to options today. If you want to be a Christian/Wiccan/what ever else, it is your own business and choice. Just don’t choose something that you might feel guilty about or make you feel bad about yourslef. If you don’t feel right, then maybe you should stick to what makes you feel best. :-)

Answer #14

u can be wiccan and christian

Answer #15

Yes, it’s just the matter of overcoming ignorance.

Answer #16

and don’t forget that Wicca is a form of Paganism which is a PRE-Christian religion.

Answer #17

u can call urself wat ever u like. but that doesnt makwe u a real one. u cannot be a christian and worship muliple Gods. U would be falsefying ur religion. meaning u would be fake

Answer #18

religions are what u worship or what U believe u could worship a bannana and call tht ure religion i know wiccans that are christians or christians that are wiccans (same thing)

Answer #19

this is an online coven for christian wiccans

Answer #20

but they are not real. u can worship a banana but u can not call it chritianity.. u cannot worship multiple gods and call urself christian. u cannot worship God and call urself wiccan.if the kind of Wiccan your talking about is deistic, then maybe but you would still have to place the Christian God above the Wiccan gods due to the nature of Christian belief. i dont believe in it bnut it is up to the person. can be watever she calls herself. but the truth is there. Is God 1st???

Answer #21

im sorry and this is my opinion but that all looks like decieving lies to stray u away from the Lord and serving only Him. Just my thoughts. people are so easily fooled.

Answer #22

just like any religion (my opinion)

Answer #23


Answer #24

angel no offense or anything but can u shut up and stop shoving ure religion down everyone throats i resepect ure relgion so please be nice and respect mine

Answer #25

angel no offense or anything but can u shut up and stop shoving ure religion down everyone throats i resepect ure relgion so please be nice and respect mine

Answer #26

i am not shoving nothin down anybodys thrtoat.. i said its my opinion and im clearly allowed to state it where ever. so no i will not shut up. You can believe in wat ever u choose. i really dont care. just sayin wat my opinion is. U dont gotta like it

Answer #27

Ok? No offense but she sounds too crazed about religion. I know she loves Jesus but she’s putting his name in vain.

Answer #28

So Angel, which diety comes first for you? The Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit?

Answer #29

So Angel, which diety comes first for you? The Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit?

Answer #30

“We worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; neither confounding the persons, nor dividing the substance.” Father+Son+Holy Spirit=GOD its like Brain+Body+soul=you

Answer #31

wicca is accutly modern concept it comes from witchcraft

Answer #32

wicca is accutly modern concept it comes from witchcraft

Answer #33

@ michelle Fail I think you need to study the word of Christ more

Answer #34

@ thex13thxchild - to her and all the other believers it is wrong and we all DO need Jesus Christ. He is our one and only who can save us and bring us to our God. Thats exactly what the word of Christ says.. so sounds like she knows wat she is talkin about. However she did go a lil far out. But she is still allowed to state her opinions freely. And how is that puttin his name in vain? puttin his name in vain would be sayin his name like a cuss word or not taken seriously. Im pretty sure she is serious. I think it is wrong to. honestly. but thats my belief and obviously hers. She has a right to state it.

Answer #35

@ Angel, te bible does say that, but even so Christians like me find common ground between faiths and faith an science so ur statement isn’t completely true either

Answer #36

Why do religions always get mad at eachother we are all worshipping god and almost all religions state be kind to your neighbor so please no matter the faith just get along

Answer #37

You can combine whatever faiths you lik because it’s all worship of god and I believe that all religions are just different interpretations and are really the same thing so I think this is very possible. To those who disagree with what I say y’all can be quiet because god loves us all and if you hate a religion and its gods ur hating ur own god so think about that and just try to be nice

Answer #38

You can combine whatever faiths you lik because it’s all worship of god and I believe that all religions are just different interpretations and are really the same thing so I think this is very possible. To those who disagree with what I say y’all can be quiet because god loves us all and if you hate a religion and its gods ur hating ur own god so think about that and just try to be nice

Answer #39

So angel how is that different from the Hindu trinity that that unifies under brahman and all the other deities helping them see where I m going with this, i do: they are so similar it doesn’t matter and everything progresses ones faith journey, maybe an open mind would help yours.

Answer #40

I never said anything about science. I believe that God has a hand in evolution. I believe in science. What did my statement have to do with wat u just said? What i meant was in her religion she believes that we all do need Christ. Thats exactly what the bible says. thats all i was saying. nOthin to do with science

Answer #41

ur right. Thats is true. But i am not meaning to get mad. Just stateing my opinion since the person who asked this question is goin on a christian belief i gave her the christian answer. But u can believe in wat u choose. She wanted points of view. Heres mine

Answer #42

I have an open mind. But i am strong in my belief. Having an open mind can lead u a stray. I go by my bible. Not really a specific religion honestly seein as how its man made and therfor not perfect. I dont no about the hindu trinity. I have read on all religions maybe i will check that out to. But i am still strong in my faith. In my belief. I wont change up my beliefs becuz i should have an open mind. It is open and i no that wat i believe in is the rite path for me.

Answer #43

Wait who said anything about evolution?

Answer #44

Wait who said anything about evolution?

Answer #45

I was just saying that since people are able to join science ad religion, which seem contradictory, than a person can combine religions that seem contradictory; it’s all about fiddling common ground.

Answer #46

I’m Wiccan and I think it’s posible like instead of worshiping the god and goddess you could just worship god I myself was going to try it to make my family feel better about me being Wiccan but it didn’t feel right.

Answer #47

Wicca is a religion whereas witchcraft is a practice. No one knows where Wicca comes from as it is simply too old to trace back to.

Answer #48

that is different. Religion has rules. know one knows how we really got here. So u can mix anything u want up to come up with ur own theory.

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