When begining birth control does every girl have to get a pelvic exam?

is it manditory?

Answer #1

It is here…I’m not sure about the regulations where you are.

Answer #2

I got birth control, and I didn’t have to get a pelvic exam…but it depends on where you live, and where you go. Some places want to do that, and others don’t.

Answer #3

whats pelvic exam?

Answer #4

here in australia, we dont need to take a pelvic exam, they just ask you questions. howevere different countries will have different laws, you’ll need to talk to your doctor about birth control and wether or not you need to have a pelvic exam

Answer #5

I live in the US and I didn’t need to get one! (thank goodness)

Answer #6

Its when they take a camera and stick it into your v@gina and checks it out for std’s, ovarian cyst and ovarian cancer i think.

Answer #7

o yeah we use the term pap test so i didnt no

Answer #8

No. I guess it may depend on where you live, but honestly no one can force you to get one, and to deny birth control based on that seems a little odd.

Answer #9

a pelvic exam and a pap smear are 2 diff. things

Answer #10

Yeah, my doctor said i HAVE to get a pelvic exam before she gives me a prescription for birth control, which i found weird because both of my friends are taking birth control, one taking the depo shot and their doctor mentioned nothing about a pelvic exam and them getting one before the get the pill. hmmm

Answer #11

the doctors have different protocol for birth control perhaps?

Answer #12

Prob. but for a sec. there i thought my Doctor was trying to make me get one, because they tried to force me to get another pap smear once

Answer #13

Oh my mom siad that its pretty much the same thin but they use a q-tip

Answer #14

No I never had to get a pelvic exam to get on birth-control.

Answer #15

im on birth controll and i never had a pelvic exam. but thats because i need to controll my periods.

if you sexualy active (thats why you want birth controll)and you should have a exam for the risk of your health

Answer #16

See when you say forced I really have to wonder. They cant force you to do anything you dont want. Find a different doctor. But also remember that these exams are for your own good. I dont want to encourage you not to get them done because really it is important to get preventative care. However, you should never feel forced into anything. So, find a different doctor. But keep in mind that a good doctor will encourage the exams for your own good.

Answer #17

remember that if your not comfortable with your current doctor you can request a different one or see someone else alltogether

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