Are there similarities between these two quotes ?

Karl Marx - “From each according to his ability to each according to his need.” - Barack Obama - “When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody,” - Are there similarities between these two quotes ?

Answer #1

“hmm maybeee. what do you think.? I find it dealing with communism (what karl marx was for) odd, democratic qovernment doesn’t follow capitalist ways. . .”

you’re right, bailing out the banks was a ridiculously socialist move, I guess the republicans arent much better? I guess a new party is needed?

Answer #2

“will cause 95% of the country to not have tax increases and 5% of the country will pay for all Obama’s tax and spend programs,”

seao2florida, please tell me which is worse: tax and spend, or borrow and spend? Do you not see what out of control deficit spending has done to this country?

Answer #3

Yes, because one is for socialism, and one’s for communism. Also, they are both not for capital gains or free market solutions. I’ve heard of Carol Marks. So, yeah, I know these quotes are simular and I’ve heard of them.

Answer #4

No they are not similar. One is a desciption of a utopian communist society (which is a fantasy), and the other is a description of a fair tax policy that prevents the rich from using their power and wealth to shift the tax burden away from themselves and onto the middle class.

Answer #5


It’s no secret that the Democratic party favors social programs over unnecessary wars.

Answer #6

hmm maybeee. what do you think.? I find it dealing with communism (what karl marx was for) odd, democratic qovernment doesn’t follow capitalist ways. . .

Answer #7

yea karl marx was famous for his communism belief I just learnedthis today are teacher spent 2 hours talking about it ehhh

Answer #8


Essentially, the best political/economic system is one that spreads the wealth most equally, YET preserve people’s drive to work and improve and be hardworking so that the economy continues to grow. That’s the main flaw of communism. Pure capitalism (the kind that got America into the Depression) is almost as bad as communism in that even though it encourages people to be hardworking, there’s a huge income gap. I personally feel that everyone should be entitled to basic things like food, housing and healthcare, but as to luxuries like having 8 houses, or driving Ferraris and eating foie gras everyday, that depends on your own hard work

Answer #9

So you understand how it’s going to work that Obama’s “fair tax policy that prevents the rich from using their power and wealth to shif the tax burden away from themselves and onto the middle class” will cause 95% of the country to not have tax increases and 5% of the country will pay for all Obama’s tax and spend programs, plus take care of the current tax burden? Wow maybe you should be President, because I don’t see how that pipe dream is going to work.

The first is a statement made by a real Communist, the second is a statement that comes from the mouth of a fledgling Socialist.

Answer #10

ty It wasn’t just the Republicans that voted for that bill is was voted for by both parties members. I don’t know whether you’ve noticed or not but Repbulicans don’t hold the majority in the House, Dems do, so if they wanted to vote that bill down they certainly could have.

Answer #11

Well jimahl, that’s what occurs when you are at war. Your taxes weren’t raised , but the deficit did go up.

When you get Senator Obama, you’ll be getting deficit spending and higher taxes. Because all these government givaways he has planned have got to be paid for somewhere. And this “95%” will not be taxed is all hog wash.

Obama is a good speaker, but when it comes to his plans for America, He’s an empty suit.

Answer #12

They are similar, the first is espousing communism the second, socialism. In both someone or something (Government) makes the decision what you do and what your needs may be.

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