Are black holes considered to be stars?

Are black holes considered to be stars>

Answer #1

No, black holes are not stars but stars of large enough mass can collapse and become a black hole. Stars, by definition covert and radiate energy through nuclear processes at the star’s core. Black hole only emit Hawking radiation.

Answer #2

They are not considered to be stars, because they are the result of a large star’s death. If they were, it would be a bit like saying a skeleton is a living being - it once was, but isn’t anymore, and can’t do the same things it did when it was alive.

Answer #3

no, stars give off light, have a core, and are visible. Black holes are the exact opposite.

Answer #4

yeah, what danbob said lol, I was going to comment, but I think he covered it all

Answer #5

they are a dead stars

Answer #6

No, I do not think so. They are not stars, just some dark matter.

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