Do you see a contradiction in policy?

Read this today: A clown in the UK has been told he can’t use balloons for fear of latex allergies among minors, yet in the US,we’re encouraging minors to use condoms - Any contradiction here ?

Answer #1

Dear amblessed, There are more and more condoms produced that have no latex in them. latex free condoms have been around for a very long time along with latex free hospital gloves and a host of other products that used to use latex. I believe the premises is that most know they have a latex allergy by the time they are old enough to use condoms. There will never be an age limit on buying condoms because condoms are not just used with a partner they are sold knowing that they are also used with self pleasuring to avoid messes and this can/usually occurs at young age. I think it’s kind of like the filter on a cigarette; there is a chance you’ll get a side effect from smoking but a less of a chance if you add the filter. Sue…good luck

Answer #2

Sue90, you said: ‘There are more and more condoms produced that have no latex in them’ - thank you for acknowledging that there are latex condoms out there…take care !!

Answer #3

you know..i have a similar issue.

in the US,You hafta be 18+ in older to buy a vibrater,because it is sex related,and they are trying to prevent early pregnancy.

yet there is no age limit on condoms.

Your less likely to get pregnant from a vibrater than a condom


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