Should i be trying anti depressants?

For over a year and a half ive been depressed- i even took a rorschach test . In general im pretty depressed and sometimes i randomly get those moments when i just collapse and cry or cut or things like that. Im seeing a therapist and my mother doesnt really want me to but i personally feel i should be on anti depressants.

Answer #1

youre 13. I dont think you should be taking anti depressants. try looking at the better side of life or just read about other peoples happy times. try or something like that.

Answer #2

the thing is ive been trying to do that for over a year… and nothing has worked

Answer #3

This is the sort of thing you need sort out with a psychiatrist.

Nobody here can tell you if or what medications will help you and there is also the possibility that medication could make your mental state worse.

Answer #4

Ask your doctor? I dont really know because of your age.

Answer #5

kay maybe ill talk to mi therapist n psychiatrist… and concidering the point im at right now, im willing to try anything

Answer #6

My friend is 14 and shes on them

Answer #7

I went through the same thing and decided against them. Though years later i went on them anyway. Maybe try a low dosage but yet again at 13, your hormones will be going crazy which can cause dramatic changes in your mood, i personally would be more inclined to hold off. have your tried st johns wort a herbal alternative which is perscribed in some countries, but can be bought off the shelf in the UK. If you want to talk feel free to get in touch i’ve been suffering since a similar age and have reached the other side.

Answer #8

yea st johns wart! I wanted to say that but couldnt think of the name lol.

Answer #9

Just because you’re 13 doesn’t mean anything. Ever since I was 11/12 ish age depression hit me hard, I’m 16 now and I’m still in the dumps. But I tried anti depressants for a few months when I was around 13/14, they made me sick to my stomach and I didn’t notice results, and I gave up on them. I tried to give them a go again this year, a different brand, and they made me so much sicker to my stomach. So I was like NO WAY, the sick feeling lasted for like an hour and I thought it wasn’t worth it, again I stopped. They don’t offer many kinds to underage people. So if you try them and you feel sick, it’s normal.. otherwise there isn’t much else to look into except trying to be positive =/. Hope this helped somewhat!

Answer #10

If you get adverse effects be sure to tell your doctor as there are many different medications under the anti-depressent lable, for instance i have been offered 3 different medications for the same thing, Citalopram works wonders for me, with no adverse effects. This can also be the dosage your on, any medication needs a minimum of a month sometimes longer to fully enter the system and so these ill feelsings can subside after a while, in any case, although i found the medication helped me the most help i got was from a councellor who helped me tackle issues which i didn’t think were effecting me but were. I have been cutting down my dosage for 6months now and am ready go get off the medication, the medication allowed me to sort my head out with the help provided and now i feel stable enough to become myself without the aid of tablet. That being said depression and other things run in my family…. but fingers crossed.

Answer #11

No, never. Stay away from them. They only get you hooked on them and it gets worse. Go to you local health food store, or vitamin shop and get a supplement called sam-e. Also take at least 1200 UI of vitamin E, along with a very good multiple vitamin. You can also ask the salesclerk for advise on which supplements to take.

The one thing about being depressed is….. have you had big losses lately. Lost someone, didn’t reach a goal, etc. Think back to when it started. Just before that will be the answer and reason.

Answer #12

Some people do believe that SAM-e or NAC has helped their depression. In a general sense both supplements look very promising but unfortunately the principal investigators on the studies that claimed efficacy for depression had financial ties to supplement makers who produce them. Of course studies that show prescription medicationss being effective and safe are typically funded by the drug manufacturers. My attitude is that either SAM-e or NAC might help and probably won’t hurt.

The biggest problem with supplements is the industry is unregulated. The pills you buy may contain none of the ingredient on the label or they could contain several times as much as it indicates. The FDA doesn’t step in unless customers are literally dying from a supplement. When trying things out customers should stick with good brands and not switch brands unnecessarily.

In any case, psychiatrists do not prescribe anti-depressants willy-nilly. They prescribe medications if they believe the benefits outweigh the liabilities. Most anti-depressants (especially SSRIs) should be tapered off when someone stops taking them. Anti-depressants are not addictive in the same sense as opiates, tranquilizers, alcohol, or tobacco but there can be a rebound effect when they are discontinued.

When people have a medical problem they should be open to all treatment options. People who are pathologically depressed can’t just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and start looking at the bright side of life. They are low on the neurotransmitters that give them feelings of enthusiasm, satisfaction, and well-being. Some supplements are believed to increase these neurotransmitters but prescription medications are often needed for major depression, bipolar, or dysthymia.

Answer #13

I agree, I have a brother who struggles with bi-polar depression without the medication he didn’t even come out of his room in the day and slept all day. It helps him function. I only believe that it should be properly diagnosed by a specialist. It isn’t just something you can snap out of.

Answer #14

exercise work like magic and it is good for you too…

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