Zomg ! Is it true we are going to die tomorrow ?

Zomg ! Is it true we are going to die tomorrow ? Apparently we are going to die, and I’m really scared :(

Answer #1

uh… the world can end any day not just the beginning of the year!!! But even if it does everyone would die not just u! And worrying ain’t going to stop it. just make sure you have god’s forgiveness if you are really worried about this.

Answer #2

If you’re not prepared, there’s information on my profile page but I don’t think so.

Answer #3

God doesnt hate anyone. People makes thing difficult by turning away from Him. A prime example would be this; My boyfriend and I moved into an apartment together about 4 months ago. I have been trying to keep up with church and reading my Bible and praying, but my boyfriend has not. He has been laid-off from 2 jobs in 3 months. It was nothing he did. So, we have decided to start praying together and we are going to get a devotional for couples and do that ever night. We both started going to church and praying every night before bed(and I pray in the morning before work). I had a job interview yesterday for a second job and it looks like I will probably get that job. My boyfriend, he has a good chance at a job now too. One that he wont lose in 3 months. Prayer is a powerful thing. God is just asking that you listen and trust and love him.

Answer #4

lanternoflight: Did you mean to post that somewhere else? I don’t see what god has to do with the Large Hadron Collider.

Answer #5

This is a science question, not a place to preach at people.

Answer #6

No they are just fireing up the machine tomorrow it will take months for the particals to colide and there is only a very tini chance that it will kill us then. It will only kill us all if somthing goes wrong.

Answer #7

I know people are like ‘only god decides’

but this isn’t a natural disaster type thing, its a man made experiment.

I think its ridiculous chancing annihilating the world just to find out something unnecessary, and if im honest, I AM a bit scared, but from what I’ve been hearing, the chances are VERY slim.

Answer #8

well… theres a very low chance we will die becuese if the cern machines creates a black hole it will be tiny and it will last 0.000000000000000000000001 sec so no one will die yay

Answer #9

where did you hear that??!! oh gosh I havent even got my hair done for the occasion, or my nails…and OMG I have nothing to wear! nope I cant die looking like a tramp. I wont have it!

aarrghhh runs around hysterically o_O

Answer #10

I was refering to her saying “the lord hates me”.

Answer #11

Zomg, I’m just so scared :( God hope not, I’m to scared to fall asleep

Answer #12

The lord hates me:(

Answer #13

we are going to die??? I never knew about this ooo dear

Answer #14

If you have your priorities straight with the Lord, then if the world really does end tomorrow, you’ll be fine. However, I doubt it will.

Answer #15

Everyone ‘s Been Jokiin Bout That at School :) Lol

Answer #16

Thank god for that :P xx

Answer #17

instead of acting stupid and immature, why dont you go and make a difference in the world. become a leader, help the world. acting like a dumb dork isnt going to help anything. stupid question dumbass

Answer #18
  • They’re not actually engaging in any collisions when they first fire it up. It’s just a test run in which they circulate a beam to make sure everything’s working.
  • When they do test it with collisions, they’ll be testing it at a low power that’s already been done hundreds or thousands of times in other supercolliders around the world.
  • When they do fire it up to full power (probably some time next year), yes, there’s a theory that predicts microscopic black holes. The theory’s considered pretty unlikely, and even if they do form, they will ‘evaporate’ back into nothing in extremely short order.
  • The sort of collisions they’ll be testing at full power happen in our upper atmosphere all the time. If microscopic black holes are formed that way, the earth would have been consumed by them long ago.

So in a nutshell: No, the world will not end this wednesday, or when they actually use it to test collisions, or when they fire it up to full power. No, not even a ‘small’ chance - no chance at all.

Answer #19

Oh the hell if it will! my b-day is in three days >:( it can wait !

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