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should i be worried if i am going to community college and i don't even know 6th grade math???
:( yeah i know but when some one told me i can do those prep courses starting below pre algebra it can help me n college
No. I didn’t, and got along well in life. One keeps and learns what they need to survive in life.
huh? so its ok not knowing pre algebra but going to college
In general, it depends on what you’re going to college for. Certain courses do not require or involve math at all. The course I was in didn’t (social service worker). It just involved other things, such as English, CISG, etc
For a general life point it would probably be beneficial for you to gain better knowledge in math, but if your course does not require it, I wouldn’t be excessively worried.
and it will haha
that was like 50 years ago, things changed, ALOT!
what’s “math?”
did you forget it or just never learned or what?
forgot it..
hah thanks
All you have to know to function well in life is the basics, adding, subtracting, multiply, and division. Those 4, know them well and apply them well. Fractions come into it, but I rarely use it.
Things maybe different now, but how often do you use algebra in everyday life. I haven’t used it once since out of high school.
Learn what you need to function with and use it well.
I doubt if any big successful wealthy person even knows how to use algebra. They use others for that purpose.
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