Could they really be life out of thiz world?

Could they really be life out of thiz world

Answer #1

there could b but I have no evidence to bac up my conclution. all I have to say is that space is BIG and is still growing. earth was made under perfect circumstances and so there must b a planet out the with the same type of circumstances and/or some form of life…

Answer #2

spartan your not a freak I believe and think the same way

it just to big out there for us to be the only ones and earth be the only planet to have life on it… its easier to believe that there are other forms of life out there then to believe we are the only ones..

Answer #3

Yep…I truly neleive were not alone there are more galaxies than there are grains of sand on earth so yea there’s for sure other types of life for

Answer #4

I’ll be the freak and say yes.

I honestly don’t believe that out of everything, how big the universe is, that we are the only ones. I think there is some sort of life out there. Maybe even super humans. More advanced than us.

Who knows, only time will tell. Further technological advancements will prove something sooner or later.

Answer #5

Theres a verrry big chance that there is.. I think it would be stupid to think that earth is the only planet inhabited by life. Seriously… I don’t think that humans are able to imaging even a fraction of how big the universe is. For example… the biggest star known is a trillion odd times as big as the earth…

Its simply unimaginable how big it is.

So yeah… course, theres a good chance.

Answer #6

I say yes because our planet has life why can another planet

Answer #7

There COULD be…

The building blocks of life can be found throughout the universe, all they need is conditions that bring them together in a right way…

There are billions of stars in our galaxy and some of them have their own solar systems, and there are billions of galaxies… somewhere out there lifeforms could inhabit other worlds

We might even find life in our own solar system…

Jupiter’s gravity pulls it’s closest moons out of shape causing tidal heating…

As a result, Jupiter’s moon Io have over 400 active volcanos and Europa also has a young surface with evidence that suggests it may have a subsurface ocean.

Thus, it’s suggested that Europa may possess hydrothermal vents- supporting simple forms of life in it’s theoretical subsurface ocean.

Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, has conditions that have been sited as a possible host for organic chemistry (what life would develope from) but at it’s -290 degree temperature it’s unlikely that life may develope there.

Answer #8

hehe just replied on here sorry I forgot!! =)

Answer #9

Honestly I belive there has to be some sort of life out there. we may not know about it yet but im sure there will be sometime when everyone who doubted will be proved wrong, they will find something out of the ordinary up there. I just know this is a huuugge universe filled with possibilities.

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