Why Wicca?

What I mean by this is, why do people seriously believe this hoax? The modern rituals were made up in the last 120 years. There rituals have never shown up in any archeological finds, or old texts.

Answer #1

@ toxic_mess Zeitgeist? Seriously? Do yourself a favor, stop degrading yourself by quoting a movie that’s been disproved 100’s of times over. The origin of religion is not THAt easily explained.

@ toxic_mess and drkjester73, a little research, seriously.

Wicca, is a new religion under the guise of an ancient name. Though people will argue to the death, no doubt, it's an "ancient religion, the evidence supports it's rather new.
Gerald Gardner is said to be the inventor of the religion. Though people say he claimed to of merely brought it to light in the 1950's, his liability is less than impeccable.

He claimed to be a higher ranking free mason- 3rd degree- records show he was only a first level mason. He claimed to of received a degree at the University of Singapore in 1934, they weren’t even in existence in 1934 *Gardener’s followers claim he was initiated into wicca in 1939 by Dorothy Clutterbuck. There’s no evidence that Dorothy existed. But even if one to prove those claims, Gardner was resident in a Christian church from 1933-1939

 Rumor has it Crowley was Gardener's biggest inspiration in creating Wica. This can be confirmed through comparing their works. Nearly the entire "Book of Shadows" written by Gardner and all the Wiccan ceremonies and rituals are all based on Crowley's works. Do what you will, may you harm none is said to be undeniably a Crowley's.
 Now focusing on merely the term "Wica" and "Wicca"

Gardner had introduced the new religion as Wica NOT Wicca. It was in later years in which the second C was added, presumably to reflect the Angelo-Saxon word Wicca which was the root word for witch . The double C’s are pronounced as “ch” thus Wicca was pronounced “Witcha”. Wicca meant male practitioner, wicce female. Over the years the E and A were dropped hence the birth of the term “witch”.

Now if you want to bring up the ancient Wika's I'll be glad to
The original Wika (Huh Wika-spelling it how it's pronounced) dates back to Celtic time. An ancient philosopher recorded information about the Wika's in his journal. There are approximately 4 copies of the book that talks about the ancient wicca's(I'm sure there's more than one type, but it will be rare, especially in modern days). When the Roman Empire moved upward, pushing the Celtics further North, the Wicca's stayed behind and did their magic thing. The Romans ruthlessly slaughtered them and, being the extreme sadist they are, I'm sure would of killed even the last man standing. I've not been able to turn up any further information of these wika's, it's likely they went extent. Unlike the new religion, they DID practice animal sacrifice, both male and female were warriors, and were actually celtic., and worshipped the celtic gods.
There are no ties connecting ancient wika and moderns wica. 
Modern wica is a pantheistic religion. The main practices consist of simple basics such as candle magic, elemental magic(Aeromancy, Geomancy, Hydromancy, Pyromancy), basic healing, ruin or other forms of divination, and herbal magic. Depending on the individual, practitioners may take it further. Many Wicans practice chi and fung shi as well, it's practically becoming interlaced with the religion. Unlike the original ancients Wicans do not practice black magick, nor any magick that seeks to cause harm to others. Most if not all wicans follow a poem created by Doreen Valientine in 1964 called the 'Wican Rede'. Originally wicca was brought to the public as a duotheistic religion, believing both a God and a Goddess(or multiple Gods and Goddesses). The most popular today are Pam (recently known as spirit of the forest, however, originally he's the roman God of corn), and Diana(roman goddess of the hunt and wild animals, also sister of Apollo-god of the sun). Again, claims say it's based of celtic traditions, I call that out on it's BS. Wica is deeply rooted in Kablah(a Jewish practice). The only main celtic traditions I've seen wican's practice are the Celtic holidays, however, it's not too common for them to be practiced traditionally. Not even the more common gods of worship in this religion are celtic.
Over the past 50 years people have morphed it and created their own different traditions of Wica. Gardener(said to be the first), Georgian, Dianic , Seax, Circle, Celtic, even Electric, and Egyptian(I'ld call this one out on its BS), and even fairie(the list goes on). 

The only things ancient wika and modern wica have in common are the holidays practiced(however, they are mostly practiced in different ways from each other), and the fact that neither come close to being the first religion.

If anyone would like to argue different, then please provide at least 3 sources of reliable information supporting your claims and I'll consider taking you up on a CIVIL debate through funmail. 

Now getting to the question, finally

Allow me to reword this:

What I mean by this is, why do people seriously believe this hoax? The modern practices are a rip off of pagan practices. Their messiah has never shown up in any archeological finds, or old texts(hope I don’t have to be specific here).

Or how about this

What I mean by this is, why do people seriously believe this hoax? The modern rituals were made up in the last few decades by a money hungry pig. There rituals have never shown up in any archeological finds, or old texts(Scientogily).

What I mean by this is, why do people seriously believe this hoax? The practices were made in a rebellion against Christianity.(Satanism):

Why any religion? It all comes down to what a person beliefs.
Here's a question for you, why do you lash out at this religion? What has it done to you? What do you have against it, and what do you hope to accomplish? Given that most wicans are misinformed about their religion, they're generally peaceful people who don't shove their religion down other people's throats.
Answer #2

The question seems to imply that a religion is more plausible simply because it is more ancient. If anything, older religions are much sillier than newer ones, even though they’re all pretty darned silly.

Answer #3

I agree with most of the postings here, this is my take: I am Wiccan, I follow the path of the Goddess. Yes Gerald Gardner brought new life to the Wiccan movement, and yes it was rooted in the old traditions of Paganism. The reason we do not have a main body of text from which to pull knowledge from is that during the burning times or the great Christian cleansing most Pagans were killed and their books burned along with there bodies; (But history is now saying that was not so.)Change the history to fit the agenda. What few people did escape went (underground). Instead of keeping books they passed down the ways of old to their children verbally; Which is where Gardner picked it up at. Agree with me or not makes little difference, Let people worship what Gods they will, and tend your own house.

So I leave you with the most evil I can conjure: May the light of the Goddess Shine upon you, to illuminate your path.

Answer #4

thats almost like saying why beleive in god, even though there is older things relating to it, it doesnt mean its true people can beleive in whatever they want nowdays some people dont beleive in anything, some people choose to serve one of the many gods there are in the world today, other people beleive in more nature/earth related things, like mother nature. some people are wiccans and as far as I know, wicca is a lot about earth and not to do with evil satanic witches like most people (especially religious) might think but whatever they and you beleive in, is up to you/them they have there reasons and you have your reasons for beleiving in whatever it is you beleive in you can tell people there wrong as much as you like and vice versa because thats just life but they have their reasons, just like you if you cant accept what they beleive in, dont but dont tell them there wrong, because pretty much everything anyone beleives in can be argued as wrong and the world could do with less poeple arguing about silly things just beleive in what you want to, and let other people beleive in whatever they want to

Answer #5

No religion, even christian, is 100% real. Nobody actually knows if there is a god, and if so, who/what that god is.

Its all just what we believe in. What we, as individuals, think is true or right.

You believe in your religion, wiccans believe in theirs. Its no different.

Paganism was actually around well before christianity. Early indicators reveal that Jesus was born in the spring, but his birthday was moved to December so it would keep in time with the pagan winter solstice and early christians wouldn’t be prosecuted.

If Jesus walked this earth thousands of years ago, I highly doubt the bible is accurate. Sorry if I am offending anybody, but the bible is made up of people’s stories and recounts of what happened. If we can’t even be civil and tell the truth in a modern world like this one, then how did we tell the 100% truth thousands of years ago?

Answer #6

Why does longevity make silly things more believable? Some of the silliest beliefs on this planet are thousands of years old.

Answer #7

The fact that you’re posting this on here just one day after an article saying the exact same thing appeared on Cracked.com is a coincidence too great to ignore.

I like Cracked as much as the next bloke (more, probably), but you really should be developing your ideas about modern theology from better sources than a humor website that specializes in dick jokes.

Answer #8

Not everyone has to be a Christian, dude, let alone whatever religion you believe is the almighty. No religion is the almighty, hence what people say.

Answer #9

yes actually this practice has been around since before the 1st pope altho it wasn’t called wicca or wiccan it was called pegan. Over time the changed the name due to sterio types and dis believers. I highly recomend this you tube video since your on the religion topic: Religion Comes From Anchient Astrology and Sun Worship 1, 2, and 3

Answer #10

Why not? Why any religion? Why not any religion?

Answer #11

Lots of religions claim to be directly inspired by God(s).

Not sure why it is any more likely that a guy 2,000 years ago was literally inspired by God than it was 20 minutes ago. It just comes down to who’s story you believe.

This brings me to filletofpsam’s corollary.

Any religion older than your own is a myth

Any religion newer than your own is a cult

Everyone can plainly see the absurdity of every religion except their own.

Answer #12

Why do people believe in the bible? Why are there Muslims, Hindus and people who believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster…? Basically, most people are constantly searching for something to believe in, something to support them in their life and a way of distinguishing right from wrong. One could probably argue for days about the sense in religions and beliefs, but would never come to an actual conclusion. In my opinion, all religions are viewed as real and anything but a hoax by the people who believe in it but can seem quite stupid to those who believe in something else or ‘nothing at all’. So, while I don’t know much about wicca, I’m guessing people believe in it because of the already mentioned reasons - it gives them something to live for.

Answer #13

No mikeh the Cracked.com is no coincidence, I am very scepitcal of cracked.com and everytime I find something interesting I do research, this was one instance.

I’m promoting any certain religion, but this “religion” is based on supposedly on ancient traditions, despite the fact there were non-existant before they were made up by people like Gerald Gardner (aka the Father of Wicca).

Paganism may have been existed before, but Wicca is not based on the actual rituals of paganism, it is based on the premise of paganism, just without the authenticity.

Answer #14

Well maybe people don’t have anything else to believe in because something went wrong or they just don’t believe in any “real” religion but even if that’s the case why does anyone else care? I mean I’m not into the Wicca thing but I know a few people who are and they say that there’s just some things in religins that they don’t agree with then they found the whole Wicca thing and they said that it was better than any religin that they were taught or whatever

Answer #15

goodness wicca is not bad! stop judging let people believe for goodness sake

Answer #16

Why any religious belief? All belief in the supernatural is silly. There is no evidence. It is all just wishful thinking.

Answer #17

No offence but… ‘hoax?’ It’s like calling Christianity a joke. Wicca is not a joke or ‘hoax.’ It’s one of the world’s oldest religions and predates Christianity. Christianity actually comes from Wiccan/Pagan roots! Rituals will not be found simply because they are too old to be found! ‘Why Wicca?’ Why the hell not, it’s a religion :) Yes, I do belief and follow this ‘hoax’ because I ahve some spiritual and paranormal experiences myself. :) So that’s ‘why Wicca.’

Answer #18

I studied Paganism and Wicca, and sorta went with both. However, most people nowadays that I’ve heard from, disagree with the mediocre religions, such as christianity and Islam. I’ve been told by a friend and philosopher, that Paganism and Wicca provides answers that could not be answered by other religions. Both are growing rather rapidly to. Paganisn and Wicca are basically centered around the belief of Mother Goddess, the proof for them is the tree standing in your back yard. It makes sense in a way, we live on Earth, the Earth let’s us LIVE here, and the only problems and micracles that occur, occur due to humans, with some help from nature. I’ve seen many things throughout my life, and such things as Druidism, Paganism, and Wicca have shown similar, yet different, results that seem pretty damn real. I respect the christian religion, and islam(in some ways), but when I hear how much those religions, and others, contradict themselves, they just seems like a total laugh. Plus, with the nontolerance level in today’s religious practices, I can see people leaving those religions left and right.

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