Why do you believe the way you do?

What are your influences. ie. why do you believe the way you do?

Answer #1

I believe the way I do because of the experiences I have had, the knowledge I have acquired, and the conclusions that my logic has brought me to. My philosophy (which can be viewed at my URL on my profile) is the result of combining many things as I matured. It suits my needs and allows me to lead a positive life.

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        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #2

As a child, I used to be a christian - not because of my parents, surprisingly, but of my own choice. As I grew older and more rational, I came to realise that when I apply my logical faculties to religion, it becomes pretty obvious that it doesn’t make much sense as an explanation of the world.

Answer #3

I believe what I do because of the fact that I like nature. I am a wiccan in most sense’s so I like taking a spiritual adventure. I also love learning and I love learning new things. I like being kind of abnormal as well.

Answer #4

I believe the way I do, because I had a real encounter with the Lord, beginning in June of 1985, and continuing until now.

Answer #5

what I believe in? no “gods” I believe in evolution, life on other plantets, many,many other things why? because I’ve learnt to question everything, argue with it and I dont beleive everything I see, hear, read, ect I could go on forwever about what I beleive in and why but I’ve kept it very short

Answer #6

I’m an atheist, because I finally realized everything I had been taught since childhood about god was BS, and after further investigation, could find nothing credible in the idea at all.

Answer #7

My influence was my family growing up who instilled in me proper values and respect - ‘raise up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it’ - I was Saved when I was 9 and struggle, but I know in whom and what I believe.

May this Christmas be filled With happiness in all that you do And may this Joy continue The whole year through Wishing you a Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year May God’s blessings be yours too

Answer #8

my parents, my belief, cultural things around, superstition from people

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