Why do my earrings still hurt?

I got my ears pierced in late june and they’re still sore. theyre also super hard to get back in if I take them out for gym class or something. I had to put one in backwards cause its the only way I could get it through. I cleaned them like I was supposed to when I got them done and I wiggle them around and stuff just like the person said. so what do you think is wrong with them???

Answer #1

I had that my ears were just sensitive you should change the earring to real gold if it isnt already and see how that helps. For gym class dont take them out tape them until youre sure youre ear has got used to it.

Answer #2

they’re white gold :D so I got that. the go off and on with hurting and being perfectly fine

Answer #3

maybe you have sensitive ears I can only where earrings for a few hours or else they get really sore and if I where them for a few days they get infected really bad cause I have really sensitive ears

Answer #4

they should have healed by now but the fact that there hard to get in and still hurt means they havent healed or may be infected its also likley that your easr are rejecting them or you could be allrgic to the metal thats the jewelrey is made of either way see a doctor to find out whats wrong with them

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