Why do I feel like my life is already over?

Why do I feel like my life is already over

Answer #1

Make some friends! Get out there in life and try to live life to its fullest! You’re probably depressed- but you’ll get passed it. Teenage years most of the teenagers are depressed.

Answer #2

dude im the same way, but I think its czu your life is so like rutin that theres nothin left to look forward to so you feel like wats the point in life if I already know watll happen give or take a few minor details.

Answer #3

ya I feel that way to you probly feel the like me every day things keep getting worce and at one time you were the happiest you could be and now you feel like you can never get back to their ever again

Answer #4

Are you 18? You shouldn’t feel like your life is over. It should be just beginning. You are the start of your adulthood phase. I know it can be scary to go from a child that has everything they need at home, to an adult where you have to support yourself. But you need to give more details about why you feel this way if you want us to help you. Please write back and tell why or what is making you feel this way.

Answer #5

maybe because you havent experienced life to its fullest. try going on adventures that you havent thought about before like rockclimbing or going to a concert! ;] try to get in the habit of looking at life like a great thing… because it is! god made this world for people like you to live on… and now it is your duty to live on it! cheer up and hand around!

Answer #6

do you have depression or something? cause you shouldn’t feel like that. esp’ not at 18.

Answer #7

is there something wrong or something that could be it!! or you can be depressed!! you can always go to the thearapist!!!

Answer #8

Maybe you should tell us more about what’s going on…

Texaskimmie is right…at 18, there’s a whole world out there that’s still a mystery…things to experience, people you haven’t met, places you haven’t been…and now you’re old enough to do all these things…

So…what’s goin’ on?


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