Who would like to destroy religion?

I feel very strongly that we would all be better off without religion. I just want to know how many agree, and if you do you should join my group “ atheists”

Answer #1

I also follow ten commanments MOST of which were laws that America was founded on

Please, not this again!!!

Do we have laws that punish us for having other gods? Do we have laws that punish us for making idols? Do we have laws that punish us for using god’s name in vain? Do we have laws that punish us for not keeping the sabbath holy? Do we have laws that punish us for not honoring our parents? Do we have laws that punish alduterers? Do we have laws that punish us if we covet our neighbor’s stuff or spouse?

We do have laws that punish murderers. We do have laws that punish thieves. We do have laws that punish liars (only if under oath though, so this one is only half true)

So that is 7 of 10 that have no basis in American laws. So do you consider 3 (really 2 1/2) of 10 to be ‘most’ of something?

And second of all.. In YOUR mind there is no one that holds you accountable for your sins. What’s to stop someone like you from running into a school with a gun and shooting as many people as possible. Life is pointless to you.. Why would someone like you take anothers life seriously?

How so freakin’ arrogant… Sin is a manmade concept. I am accountable to my self. I have no need to look at the supernatural for guidance. I understand what is right and moral, and what is not. How many athiests have walked into any where and just starting shooting people.

Was Charles Whitman an atheist? Was Scott Roeder an atheist? Was Michael Griffin an atheist? Was Eric Robert Rudolph an atheist? Was James Wenneker von Brunn an Atheist? Was Timothy McVeigh an Atheist?

In fact I can’t think of one incident in which an self professed atheist comitted such crimes. Do you know of any?

Answer #2

matt18091 - You can’t be serious? So are you trying to tell me that the only reason you don’t rape and kill is for of punishment from your imaginary friend?

‘What humanists believe

Humanism is an approach to life based on humanity and reason – humanists recognise that moral values are properly founded on human nature and experience alone and that the aims of morality should be human welfare, happiness and fulfillment. Our decisions are based on the available evidence and our assessment of the outcomes of our actions, not on any dogma or sacred text.

* Humanism is a naturalistic view, encompassing atheism and agnosticism as responses to theistic claims, but is an active and ethical philosophy far greater than these reactions to religion.
* Humanists believe in individual rights and freedoms, but believe that individual responsibility, social cooperation and mutual respect are just as important.
* Humanists believe that people can and will continue to find solutions to the world's problems, so that quality of life can be improved for everyone.
* Humanists are positive, gaining inspiration from our lives, art and culture, and a rich natural world.

Humanists believe that we have only one life, it is our responsibility to make it a good life, and to live it to the full.’

Answer #3

What does having a concience have to do with belief in dieties?” I have a concience, and it tells me what is right and wrong. There is nothign supernatural about it.

Did you even read what slavaim posted?

Answer #4

matt18091 - You can’t be serious? So are you trying to tell me that the only reason you don’t rape and kill is for of punishment from your imaginary friend?

um yeah.. pretty much. This is the same with everyone. Without a conchance what’s to stop people from doing these things?

Answer #5

How many school shootings did you see when you went to school before all these rules were put into action?


The truth is, regardless if there’s a God or not.. without religion the world would be a much worst place then it is now.

I honestly would be living my life much differently if I didn’t believe we were held accountable by a higher power.

Answer #6

How does that make me dangerous? I have morals as you do.. I also follow ten commanments MOST of which were laws that America was founded on.. I respect the government and the pay the taxes that are due. I like to have fun and hang out with friends as most people. I love music. And I love my country along with the people in it. I just think there’s a lot more to life then to just die and rot in the ground.

And second of all.. In YOUR mind there is no one that holds you accountable for your sins. What’s to stop someone like you from running into a school with a gun and shooting as many people as possible. Life is pointless to you.. Why would someone like you take anothers life seriously?

Answer #7

‘Lol… Your wrong, religion isn’t the problem.. It’s man’s sinful nature. If religion was taken out of the world we would just find another reason to hate each other.’

perhaps, but religion differs from all the other reasons. If you believe you’re acting in the interests of some infallible sky-God, in my mind that makes you very dangerous, you wont listen to reason.

Answer #8

Religion has done a lot of good,

I never said it didn’t.

there are a lot of people that abuse it,

Yes there are.

but that does not mean you should get ride of it at all,

I never said we should. I personally wouldn’t care if it was eliminated, but the whole ideas is ridiculous because it can’t just be gotten rid of. I am pretty sure at some distant point in the future it will be virtually eliminated as people become more and more aware of what science has shown us. Right now most people don’t have the foggiest idea about the nature of the universe.

a lot of people cheat at sports, does that mean we should get ride of the NHL, NFL or NBA?

silly analogy, but it is moot anyway, because I never said we should get rid of it. That would be a viloation of peoples rights. I certainly have no desire to force anything on anyone. But I will speak my mind when I disagree with something.

Answer #9

Why on earth would you want to force what you believe, or dont believe on the enitre public?

I am not, nor is any other atheist doing that. We are just having a discussion. But I believe organized religion attempts to convert as m uch of the public as they can. And if they could, they would convert the entire public.

We aren’t running to you or and e other athiest yelling at the top of our lungs to change your ways, so why should we change ours?

Neither are we, so why would you say this?

Yall say there is no God, and yet your trying to find some way to be one–enhance intellegence with artificial implants to extend life? are you serious?

So now you are equating scientific advances with us trying to be gods? I will excuse the stupidy of that concept as being to young to really understand what you are saying.

Answer #10

I wouldnt want to destroy religion. You see in actuallity religion has done nothing for anybody. But Jesus has done something for everybody. when they nailed him to the cross they didnt nail, Catholics,Pentecostal,Buddhist,Atheists, to the cross they nailed Jesus to the cross for all of your sins. hope I helped

Answer #11


That is correct. I believe that everyone, including Atheists, worship someone or something.

Glad to see you say “YOU BELIEVE” ……..then you would also KNOW:

BELIEF - a psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true

RELIGIOUS BELIEF - a belief regarding the supernatural, sacred, or divine

And this doesn’t necessarily mean that “YOUR” believe are correct right???

Atheists deny the existence of “God”, but I BELIEVE that everyone, including Atheists, has their “god”.

“YOU BELIEVE” Atheists has their own god/s, I THINK you are seriously deluded And are looking for a general explanation of your own BELIEVES! It seems like you THINK that everyone NEED to believe in some “Supernatural” power and if they don’t, then surely they must worship something? And if they worship their Mother/Father/Husband/Wife etc, who EXISTS, then surely it must be possible for them to worship god/s whom there Is NO proof of EXISTANCE? Yeah make so much sense!

Good for you slavaim. I hope JS Bach grants you everything he has promised you. If you knew my God, you would know that advancing humanity is not on His “To-Do” list.

So who’s your god? Allah, Anat, Anu, Baal, Bes, Chac, Diana …….?

Answer #12

Lol… Your wrong, religion isn’t the problem.. It’s man’s sinful nature. If religion was taken out of the world we would just find another reason to hate each other.

As for me, I’m not an atheist.. I just don’t believe in Religion. I believe only in a relationship.

Answer #13

Eternallife - There are evidences and I am sorry to say that its you who have not seen any of them. Keep looking out some day you might see those evidences.

Where is the so called “evidence”??? and yes I am sorry I just cant see something where there really exists NOTHING, cant help it if I were born without an imagination! (for that atleast)

I just hope that you do find some evidence before it is too late.

Before what? Before I die and stay dead like millions before me and after me?

Answer #14

You are great Bro_Tony. God bless you.

“YOU BELIEVE” Atheists has their own god/s, I THINK you are seriously deluded And are looking for a general explanation of your own BELIEVES! It seems like you THINK that everyone NEED to believe in some “Supernatural” power and if they don’t, then surely they must worship something?

Bro_Tony made it clear to to you what he meant when he said “gods” spelt with a small ‘g’. Still you come back and say that he is speaking about supernatural beings. He also made clear what he means by worship. Either you are not reading the posy carefully or you don’t understand what he has typed.

And if they worship their Mother/Father/Husband/Wife etc, who EXISTS, then surely it must be possible for them to worship god/s whom there Is NO proof of EXISTANCE? Yeah make so much sense!

There are evidences and I am sorry to say that its you who have not seen any of them. Keep looking out some day you might see those evidences. I just hope that you do find some evidence before it is too late.

Answer #15

‘So, do you worship Bach, admire Bach, or consider him to be a vice? (Don’t answer, it is a rhetorical question)’

It’s a rubbish rhetorical question, since rhetoric ought to persuade others to see your view. The comment about JS Bach was tongue in cheek, do you take everything you read so seriously?

Answer #16

Nice try

Thanks, but I am not “try(ing)” to do anything other than to elaborate on a previous post at ifeelcrazy123’s request.

With that I suppose that you mean every atheists worships something? I do not agree, elaborate on that.

Answer #17

With that I suppose that you mean every atheists worships something? I do not agree,

That is correct. I believe that everyone, including Atheists, worship someone or something. Note that I am being careful to say that that is what I believe. You do not agree. That is fine. We each have the right to disagree and I respect you right to not agree with me.

elaborate on that.

One definition of “worship” is (verb) “to feel an adoring reverence or regard for any person or thing” (Dictionary.com).

I BELIEVE that everyone (feels an adoring reverence or regard toward something or someone. We all “worship” something or someone. I BELIEVE that it is just part of us, as human beings. Some people worship God. Some people worship other people. Some people worship ideas. Some people worship institutions. Some people worship things. Some people worship themselves. In my opinion, whatever or whoever an individual worships, the object of that person’s worship is, for all practical purposes, that person’s “god”.

Atheists deny the existence of “God”, but I BELIEVE that everyone, including Atheists, has their “god”.

The ultimate question is, is your god worthy of your worship? That is up to every individual to decide.

The only god I worship is JS Bach, who has done more to advance humanity than your god has ever done!

Good for you slavaim. I hope JS Bach grants you everything he has promised you. If you knew my God, you would know that advancing humanity is not on His “To-Do” list.

bro_tony, you are trying to play games with semanitcs. Not everyone believes in a supernatural being with omnipotent powers. If you want define god as something else, it is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

I think I have been very clear. There is “God” (a supernatural being with omnipotent powers) and there are “gods” (any object of worship) No semantics game here. If you feel my input is irrelevant, feel free to ignore it. religionisbad started this thread and if he asks me to discontinue my input, I will respectfully oblige.

Answer #18

Filletofspam - Were we able to get rid of all existing religions people would just make up new ones. Humans are by nature a religious species.

I don’t think Humans are religious species, rather Supernatural species by nature that choose to ignore reality and be irrational, which is the reason why I would rather prefer a world without it!

Answer #19

Why on earth would you want to force what you believe, or dont believe on the enitre public?

I am not, nor is any other atheist doing that. We are just having a discussion. But I believe organized religion attempts to convert as m uch of the public as they can. And if they could, they would convert the entire public.”

No you just belittle and insult other people and there beliefs, which is far worse then trying to convert them.

Religion has done a lot of good, there are a lot of people that abuse it, but that does not mean you should get ride of it at all, a lot of people cheat at sports, does that mean we should get ride of the NHL, NFL or NBA?

Answer #20

Thanks, but I am not “try(ing)” to do anything other than to elaborate on a previous post at ifeelcrazy123’s request.

And in that elaboration you implied that worshiping a loved one is the same as worshiping an invisible being for which there is evidence of its existence. So you certainly were ‘trying’ to equate worship of an actual person with a mythincal being.

Relax, it was a good try. That was a compliment.

Answer #21

Why on earth would you want to force what you believe, or dont believe on the enitre public? We aren’t running to you or and e other athiest yelling at the top of our lungs to change your ways, so why should we change ours? Yall say there is no God, and yet your trying to find some way to be one–enhance intellegence with artificial implants to extend life? are you serious?

Answer #22

There’s a bit of a difference between admiring something or having a vice

We were not discussing admiration. We were discussing worship. And you said that you “worship” JS Bach…

The only god I worship is JS Bach

So, do you worship Bach, admire Bach, or consider him to be a vice? (Don’t answer, it is a rhetorical question)

I would ignore them if I wasn’t so offended by the blatantly stupid.

Name-calling and/or insults. Cha-ching! I will put another hash-mark on my mouse pad!

Answer #23

bro_tony, as others have already said, there is a big difference between affection/love/worship one has with those close to them, and worshiping a supernatural being whose existence is unprovable. Whether you use a captial ‘g’ or not makes no difference. Admiring, or even worshiping someone who you see hear and touch is not the same thing as believing in a god. Nice try though, it was definately a new one…

Answer #24

There’s a bit of a difference between admiring something or having a vice, etc, then having a belief in a supernatural being that is not based on any rational evidence.

The fact that you can’t comprehend something so mind numbingly straightforward, or the fact that you have to twist words in order to somehow make your beliefs seem rational (you’re only deluding yourself) indicates that you have some serious problems…

I implore you, stop. Your posts are torturous to read.

I would ignore them if I wasn’t so offended by the blatantly stupid.

Answer #25

I dont agree, but your entitled to your opinon…if you dont want to believe in god then theres no reason why you should bash other peoples religion!

Answer #26

bro_tony, you are trying to play games with semanitcs. Not everyone believes in a supernatural being with omnipotent powers. If you want define god as something else, it is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Answer #27

But (I believe) every Atheist has his/her god.

With that I suppose that you mean every atheists worships something? I do not agree, elaborate on that.

Answer #28

I do not believe that God is the problem. I am a born-again Christian, and while I believe strongly in God and attend church I do not necessarily have a Religion. What I have is a relationship with God, or if you wish it, the still small voice most people call their conscience.

A lot of what has been said here has validity, on both sides of the argument. While many horrid things have been done in the name of religion, just as many have been done against those who believe in a religion. Look up Voice of the Martyrs if you want more information on that.

While I cannot say that I have not ever or will not ever tried/try to talk to others about my faith and help them to understand my choice, I for one do not believe in forcing my beliefs down the throats of others.

In the interest of harmony I will say this, my own personal motto, and something I believe everyone needs to hear just once.

I do not have to agree with you to like you. I do not need to know you to love you. The differences we have make us unique and special. Religion, skin color, and ethnicity do not exclude ANYONE from my love. I will judge not those around me because I am not without my own guilt. Live, love, laugh!

Answer #29

And tons of facts from the Bible (and other holy books) have been scientifically proven true. Lineage and historical events have been validated time and time again- so it depends on your personal beliefs once again.

Really? Tons? Care to give us just a couple. The fact that some of the characters in the bible actually did live is not what is disputed. Show me one biblical miracle that has been proven scientifically? The fact is, there is not one. However, there have been many many claims by the bible that sicence has disproven. The creation story just for starters.

I also find you generalizations about muslims quite distasteful.

Answer #30

Everyone has their god.*

Not everyone does have their god, you get religions that do not believe in a god and then you get people who do not have a religion at all (like some atheists or agnostics)

Answer #31

I used to have this discussion with the head of my university’s history department. We were both atheists but he believed that religion made the world a better place and I argued that it made it worse. One thing we could agree on is that religion is part of our culture and our world would be unrecognizable to us without it.

Were we able to get rid of all existing religions people would just make up new ones. Humans are by nature a religious species. My theory is that as mankind ventured out from their clans and found that the world was a really big place with a lot of people in it that we imagined an alpha male big enough to rule over it and that thought became God. As we kept discovering the cosmos was bigger and bigger our visions of God became bigger.

I agree with Thomas Jefferson who said, “But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” This assumes that my neighbor doesn’t try to force his beliefs on me. To me the ideal would be a world where everyone is free to follow their conscience so long as doing so doesn’t prevent other people from following theirs. People could believe in whatever they want but as soon as they say, “I know the will of God so now you have to do what I say” they should be locked up in the looney bin.

Answer #32

I agree with the question is some parts but I think to destroy religion totally would be a bit too far. I am not saying any religion is wrong. FACTS…

-The beliefs of most religions are thousands/hundreds of years old. The times and the way people live have changed tremendously over this time and yet people still choose to live by outdated beliefs.

-Science has PROOVED many things these holy books have taught to be wrong. It’s only a matter of time before Science can explain just about everything the holy books says.

For example- was the world made in 7 days? No, it was created with a colision of matter creating the world NATURALLY. Not by some one sat in the sky.

Also why do people not want to believe evolution? There is so much evidence to suggest it’s true it’s unreal.

I could go on forever but I don’t want to rant. Like I said I am not against religion on a whole I am against livig by the old faith religions which are so outdated. Some one make a religion for me today and I may try and live by it as it would suit MODERN DAY LIFE.

I am also NOT disrespting religion either. The people who wrote the holy books had limited knowledge but used the brain they had very cleaverly to come up with their therories about human life. (Lots of which have been proven incorrect)

Answer #33

You get atheists that practice other religions.

It could just as well be said that there are members of other religions that practice Atheism.

Being atheist just means that you do not believe that there is a god/deity/deities etc.

It could just as well be said that being atheist means that YOU BELIEVE that there is a no god/deity/deities etc.

Answer #34

The fact is that Atheism is a religion.

No it isn’t. You get atheists that practice other religions.

Being atheist just means that you do not believe that there is a god/deity/deities etc.

Answer #35

Well said animus. The fact is that Atheism is a religion.

Answer #36

I think the world would be better off without religion, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Perhaps once we figure out how to enhance intelligence with artificial implants that can just download knowledge, and how to extend life long enough that people quit worrying about death, religion will just fade away.

Answer #37

Not everyone does have their god, you get religions that do not believe in a god

I understand that there may be religions that do not believe in a specified god but I believe that every individual has that one thing that they depend on, honor, revere and, ultimately, worship.

Atheism, in general, does not believe in God. But (I believe) every Atheist has his/her god.

Answer #38

The world would be better without ANGRY religions. You cannot destroy faith. Even before Christianity (it’s singled out all of the time- yet given the current state of the world, MUSLIMS hold most of the violent groups, were all just too afraid to call them on it) all of the civilizations of the world had some sort of diety that they prayed to or worshiped.

Religions don’t create chaos- egomaniacs who think they’re bigger or more important than God do. Hitler thought what he had to say was more important than the sanctity of human life. Had he not been such an narcissist and not been allowed such power, then WWII wouldn’t have happened in Europe (still iffy about Japan- I’m can’t quite recall the details right now).

Religion is faith in something bigger than yourself. It’s when ignorance, arrogance, and animalistic rage take hold of people (radical Islam, for example) that problems arise. If the Muslims were able to worship without interference, the Jews were able to worship freely, the Christians were left alone, and anybody else were all just left to their own devices and didn’t feel the need to force their beliefs on others, then the world would be fine.

I’m a Christian. I am HAPPIER because of my faith. What pisses me off is when people try to oppress my faith- I should be allowed to believe in God without it bothering you or anybody else. Just like you should be allowed to consider yourself the master of your own universe without it stepping on anybody else’s toes.

So no, the world wouldn’t be better off without religion- it brings hope to the hopeless, and comforts those who need it. The world would be better without personal egos taking over.

Answer #39

I think it all has to do with good or evil religion doesnt really matter I think good get rewarded after death as does evil I mean I have more in depth things but this is a subject of major controversy I think people should follow their hearts rather a book if your talking about basics .

Answer #40

The problem isn’t religion…it’s what people do and blame on religion.

One country I recently found out how they converted to their current religion. Once the king changed his mind, the rest of the people of one part of the country followed (as they had no choice, he said, “now we worship this”.)

Then later on, they tried to sell it to others…anybody who resisted was killed. Clearly, God didn’t want that…in fact, I’d say that if the ONLY reason this country worships that book, that ideal, that religion, today, is because of a mass slaughter nearly a millenia ago…it’s a false religion, to help support those in power gain control over those who aren’t in power.

However, I’ve also read and heard of people doing amazing things, because of their faith, which perhaps they might not have done, without such belief. So if we toss out all the evil, aren’t we destroying a lot of the potential for good, as well?

Answer #41

Yes, but that doesn’t make it a religion. I also BELIEVE that there is no santa clause, that does not mean that lack of belief in santa claus means that I have a religion.

There are Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Muslims, Baptists, Jews, Witches, Hindus, Satanists, Scientologists, and Jainists who don’t believe in Santa Clause, but they are “religions” none the less.

Everyone has their god.

Answer #42

Well “religionisbad” stop being sarcastic.Try to be straightforward as you want others to follow Atheism.Theism Is far better than atheism and 5.5 BILLLION would agree with that!

Answer #43

Why don’t we seek to find out our own answers?

We do most of the time. Through science. There will always be people who are so devoted and comfortable with their belief system that no amount of evidence will ever convince them otherwise. The problem is when you have these people interfering with science. Like the nutcases who believe in the creation myth, and think intelligent design should be taught in science class.

Answer #44

Were we able to get rid of all existing religions people would just make up new ones. Humans are by nature a religious species.

And you know why we are naturally religious? People want answers. We don’t like not knowing something so seek religion as a way to make sense of the world around us. But that does not give any answers as I have already said the views of most religions are extremly outdated so only give us half truth / false answers to our questions. Why don’t we seek to find out our own answers?

Answer #45

I will not take credit for it, but this was a great quote from one of our smarter members:

‘If atheism is a religion, than baldness is a hair color.’

Is theism a religion? Not really. One can believe in god and not belong to a religion. I never really understood why many believers want to insist that atheism is a religion.

Answer #46

It could just as well be said that there are members of other religions that practice Atheism.

It could just as well be said that being atheist means that YOU BELIEVE that there is a no god/deity/deities etc.

Yes, but that doesn’t make it a religion. I also BELIEVE that there is no santa clause, that does not mean that lack of belief in santa claus means that I have a religion.

Answer #47

I think religion is important. There is a lot of things about it that needs help, like all kinds of wars and trying to push ones beliefs on some one else. Those kind of things we could do with out, but there is always 2 sides to every coin. There is a good side. It can bring people back together. You also have to think about, with out religion there would be no Christmas, no Easter and other religious holidays. Those holidays help bring people closer together.

Another thing is, most people are mad at religion because religious people try to force there beliefs on other people. That leads to anger and hatred. If your a person that is so dead set against religion cant you say you fallow that belief religiously? And are you not trying to do just that thing those religious people do?

Answer #48

your right but I dont support the teaching of lies and ignorance to sell morals and even happyness

Not everything that a religion teaches are lies.

Answer #49

You’ll never win this fight. Religion is based on faith. Faith doesn’t require facts it only requires belief. But it would be nice to see a world without religion and ignorance.

Answer #50

Sadly religious apologists don’t appear able to make any credible arguments in favour of religion.

Is scientific research that shows it is beneficial to mental health not a credible argument? Now, I am not one for religion. Personally I think people really should not blindly be following dogma. But I do also acknowledge that having a religious/spiritual belief has done good for some people. And I would not take it away based on that.

Answer #51

its the fault of the churches that they dont think theyre lies. they get people to belive anything with empty promices and empty threats.

Answer #52

Education is the process of telling smaller and smaller lies :)

As a result, “lying” is baked into so many, many processes in our society (in the US, in the country I live now, and I”m sure other places…) you’d have to ban lying, as well as religion, to stop it all.

And…I don’t see that happening. :(

Answer #53

Yes, I would like to see religions abolished. The lies make people blinded and it can causes massive setbacks. There are lots of people who could be discovering scientific breakthroughs but refuse to because they have been blinded by and lied to by religion. Religion does give false hope, it’s sometimes a good thing as it helps people get through life, but I think the negatives of religion outweigh the positive aspects.

You may want to look in to the Zeitgeist movement, we hope to bring a major change to our lives by creating a world were none of these systems interfere with what is best for humankind. As well as abolishing money, we want to remove all governments, religions and any system in which elitism can be found. It all sounds a bit odd, but we have almost 400,000 members so far, and I think you would be interested ;)

Answer #54

Sadly religious apologists don’t appear able to make any credible arguments in favour of religion. Apparently religion is worthwhile because religious people tend to do good more deeds in society. Maybe so, but I don’t see the dignity in doing good deeds for fear of punishment. Religion gives comfort? Santa Claus gives children comfort; that’s no bearing on whether it’s true. The way that senior representatives for so called moderate religions behaved during the Salmon Rushdie book (hint the moderates defended cruel and extreme religious behaviour) indicates what a wicked and evil force religion is in society. That said I don’t think you could feasibly destroy religion. I think we have to go through a lot of social evolution yet. I think that religion is ultimately an insult to human dignity and intelligence, but it’s going to take a long while before the common man appreciates this.

Answer #55

I do class my self as an atheist but at the same time I dont want to upset people that are into religion so I just leave it be

we can all sit here arguing about if god does or doesnt exist none of us would win teh argument as none of us can prove that god does or doesnt beyond resonable doubt exist

I always find that religion, political, underage sex etc etc topics always bring out the worst in people

Answer #56

Wow, such a shame… you’ve obviously been to an awful church. I can testify that I’ve never been threatened, nor have I ever been handed a single ‘empty promise’.

Have you ever even been to church? Or are you just going off of what the other fear mongering athiests have told you?

Regardless, I’m going to bed- this argument is futile; people have been having it for over two thousand years. Live and let live- you’ll be happier if you stop trying to stir the pot. We don’t want to convert you- I’d rather not have ‘your kind’ around while I’m happily worshiping. So you’d do better, and I’d do better, to just leave each other’s people alone.

Answer #57

But not everybody believes they’re lies. In fact, the minority in this country believes they’re lies. And tons of facts from the Bible (and other holy books) have been scientifically proven true. Lineage and historical events have been validated time and time again- so it depends on your personal beliefs once again.

You obviously don’t believe them. You don’t think they’re true. Depending on what facts your doubting, you could be doubting actual historical events, and that makes YOU the ignorant one, not us.

We’re happy, you’re quite obviously bitter. You tell me who has it right…

Answer #58

I know of quite a few people whose lives improved because of religion. My one friend was molested and raped by a family member when she was small. For years she struggled with her weight, depression and even got into drugs.

She then found god (or religion as I would call it) and ever since she has been clean and is getting her life back in order. Whether a god might exist or whether she is imagining it all, religion certainly helped her. It gave her something to believe in and a meaning to her life.

I therefore don’t think that religion is bad and that it should be banned. I do however wish and believe that all people should be more open-minded and tolerant of others. In my opinion that would solve a lot more then just banning all religion.

Answer #59

The only god I worship is JS Bach, who has done more to advance humanity than your god has ever done!

Answer #60

ifeelcrazy123 IS RIGHT!!!

Answer #61

Thank you ^.^

Answer #62

your right but I dont support the teaching of lies and ignorance to sell morals and even happyness

Answer #63

How many school shootings did you see when you went to school before all these rules were put into action?

What rules? You mean banning prayer in public schools? It is violation of one of our most basic laws. You can practice any religion you like, but the state can not sponser any religion, and school prayer constitutes a public endorsement of religion.


Pretty ludicrous analysis. There are probably hundreds of factors involved in the rise of school shootings. To blame the fact that we have a separation of church and state in our consitiution is just stupid. The major factor behind school shootings is probably the easy access to powerful weapons, and a constant flow of violent images from tv, movies and video games.

The truth is, regardless if there’s a God or not.. without religion the world would be a much worst place then it is now.

This is only an opinion, which you are entitled to, but religion has been behind some of the mankind’s worst attrocities. There is no evidence we would have been better off without religion.

I honestly would be living my life much differently if I didn’t believe we were held accountable by a higher power.

That is great for you. I however do not need to believe in some mythical being in order to know what is right and wrong. I believe in what jesus taught. Treat other as you want to be treated. Very simple, and I don’t need to believe in higher power (whatever that is) in order to practice it.

Answer #64

matt18091 - You can’t be serious? So are you trying to tell me that the only reason you don’t rape and kill is for of punishment from your imaginary friend?

um yeah.. pretty much. This is the same with everyone. Without a conchance what’s to stop people from doing these things?

So you agree with my statement? That’s quite shocking. The reason I don’t kill, why I would return a wallet, is because of my innate (inborn) empathy and compassion towards other people. I apply reason too, how would I want other people to treat me. Not to mention the various environmental factors, how you are brought up. I’m sure you can find a comprehensive and ‘proper’ answer to this if you do some research and think critically. Religion certainly has nothing to do with it. How do you explain the fact that I would return a wallet when I have no faith? One of the major issues I have with religion is the implicit implication that those that without faith are in some way morally corrupt, which is very much unfair. I think you have bought into this. Think for yourself…

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