Who can explain why my period is late?

I missed my period this month and my mom thinks I’m pregnant. But, I know that I’m not. I haven’t sex in five months and had my period all five of those months. She won’t stop grilling me about my missed period. I gained the bloat weight but had no blood flow. What could be the reason I didn’t bleed? I need answers, I don’t want my mom to think anything. I’m 16 and REALLY regular, like dead on. Is this normal missing a period when I’m not on the pill? Can I still be pregnant after having five periods and coming up negative on a test? HELP?!

Answer #1

Okay first of all if you have not had sex in 5 months you can not be pregnant now if you have had you other periods before!, and also if you were pregnant from 5 months ago it would really be showing by now and you would most likely have many symptoms. Now the pill thing is interesting, have you been taking the pill but have recently stopped these last months? if so it is very common to miss 2 periods when first comming of the pill, the pill stops you from ovulating thats why when you bleed during the week you dont take the pill it is not really a period but is like a rest bleed. The pill as you know regulates your period using a series of hormones, when you stop taking the pill the hormons that stop ovulation are still there but the fact that your are not taking the pill means that there is not a drastic change in hormones during the week when you take a break from the pill this plus the fact that your body will probably not ovulate the first month of the pill as the hormones are still there makes it very likely to skip a period. If you have not had sex and have taken a test and it is negative it is extremly unlikely that your are pregnant. tell this to you mum as I am sure she will understand. If you have not been taking the pill at all sometimes a flucky miss can ocure. . it is not out of the ordinary. . .wait another month and see if your period comes, if not visit your GP and tell him/her everything that you have done here, if you do not want to go with your mum as you are 16 im pretty sure you can go on your own :)!! Dont worry, as women we have the bad luck of having to deal with the whole period baby thing but I think you are fine! and also if you are sressing a lot about this particular problem stress itself can effect your cicle!

So try not to stress and if you want to visit your GP to reasure yourself and so you can stop worrying that would be a good idea. :). Take care !!

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