Why do white people hate Mexicans so much?

Answer #1

It’s not that they hate mexicans in general, but the bad publicity that comes with the illegal immigrant problem. you only hear of the illegal mexicans coming in because of the drug trafficing, and that’s all people think are druggies. i myself am half white half mexican, and personally i don’t have problems with mexicans wanting to come to america, however doing it the right way. no one really knows if that is why they think all mexican looking people are illegal or not, that is just my opinion

Answer #2

thanx it makes alot of sense

Answer #3

I’m white…I don’t hate mexican people. Actually I believe that everybody is equal no matter what race, cultural background, religion, etc. are all the same. They are all humans…

Answer #4

i dont hate mexicans but i hate the ones that think all white people hate them.

Answer #5

umm, the question souds racest. not all white people do! but americans, maybe because of all the job loss.

Answer #6

Not all white people do, yes, there are certain individuals but not everyone. I have met a lot of white people, and they are nice, and to tell you the truth are the most accepting people I have seen. I think that the only reason why it seems that all mexicans are hated by white people, is because it is illigal to come here without pappers, and they are maoing anti-imigrant laws, the law in Arizona and all that stuff. Its just becase of the laws and how much they are talked about. They are discriminated by some, but not all.

Answer #7

because of illegal immigration^ (just to be clearer)

Answer #8

First it is because you already have the thought. A little event or a little sign will drive your belief that they hate Mexican. So one thing to do it to clear your mind from the thought that Mexicans are hated. We do not have reasons why we should hate Mexican. And if there is someone from any race that hate another race for no reason, believe me this kind of man belonsa to the dinasour era.

Answer #9

I think people are often scared and mistrusting about poor people who come to their place and want “a piece of the cake”. Western Europeans often dislike immigrants from eastern Europe. All Europeans dislike immigrants from South Asia and from Africa. Northern Americans dislike immigrants from middle- and southern America. Many city-dwellers in threshold countries dislike their own countries rural population.

Because people believe they will be losing (jobs, wealth, whatever) if they have to share. And because people are scared that mixing up with the un-privileged will be disadvantageous.

They go like “Just image every hungry soul from Africa came here and wanted to live in our country… Oh my god!”

People never have a problem with rich, well-educated foreigners. But they’re always reluctant to welcome poor people. Look into history books: Americans were very reluctant toward Irish immigrants when Ireland hat a famine in the 1800s. Today, Ireland is an ordinary well-off industrialized Country and hardly anybody will dislike immigrants from Ireland

bye the sheep.

Answer #10

i dont hate mexicans & im white :)

Answer #11

I do not know this to be true, I think it is more Americans do not like illegals that come over and put a strain of the systems in America without paying for them. But it would be racist to pin this on white people.

Answer #12

I have married into a Hispanic family, and I am white. I believe that everyone should have a chance to come to america legally, and I also believe that the process to become an American citizen should be easier. That being said, I think it’s dangerous to just allow anyone and everyone to come into the country without any type of accountablility. I don’t think it’s an issue of race, at least not for me.

Answer #13

Well america has enough problems I want everybody to be happy also but overpopulation is a HUGE problem.

Answer #14

Well I plan to leave the US when I retire for a place somewhere in central or south America, me and my wife lived in Honduras for 2 years, but I was there legally and if I retire over there I am going to get a Visa to the country I retire in.

Answer #15

i don’t understand the root of the hatred I see from white people to mexican people AND from mexican people to white people; recently I saw in a survey that these two groups are the least to interact and accept each other

it was a surprise to me when I read it although I personally have heard mexicans say they hate white people and I’ve watched some white people sneer as they interact with mexican people

can we just stop this madness!

Answer #16

In my experience, people that ‘group’ tend to get evaluated on a group level. Mexicans are ‘group’ oriented people especially here in the u.s. And the fact is that most (nearly all) of illegals within the past decade have come from Mexico. America does have a culture, believe it or not. It’s a young country but it did establish itself as a unique nation with a unique culture. And people don’t like it when what they have built is in danger of being trashed by unwanted visitors.

Answer #17

No. Now go home beaner.

Answer #18

Try living in CA for a month then come back and say that.

Answer #19

It’s nothing personal. There’s been issues with the dominant group disliking all sorts of outside groups since they moved here (and by outside group I mean people who don’t look or talk like them or have the same religion). Look up the history of immigration and the U.S.

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