whats the craziest thing you ever done?

Answer #1

i gave CPR to a lizard :}

Answer #2

lol for real that is crazy lizards are cool and the craziest thing i ever done is jump off a cliff into a lake

Answer #3

psh!! baby stuff! ;) i go cliff jumping all the time. but yea i accidently steped on him and so i took a coffee straw one of thoese little ones and stuck it in his mouth and breathed into it then pushed on his chest with my finger..he died later on :/

Answer #4

Dated 4 women at the same time….if just one of them got to see my phone all hell would have broke lose lol

Answer #5

dam niga u a pimp better buy two phones

Answer #6

I am on to it buddy…i got the SH@g phone and the normal one…Keepin it real

Answer #7

ay just try nt to get caught

Answer #8

….why do u wanna cheat?? dont u hv any idea what it does to a girl? u wanna have mulitple girls go to a strip club, u can use the money ur useing for the other phone.

Answer #9

Strip clubs are for pervs….I like to date modern clean respectable women,liberated and free to do what they want…and they love it too .

Answer #10

well as long as ur not breakin hearts :/

Answer #11

And i hope this dont get deleted coz i posted it as a fact learning mission for the girls in a way,they need some warning about us guys from someone…it happens…nowadays i dont date more than 1 at a time now and for a few years since but i still have a seperate phone for my girlfriend and work/family….coz you girls can be nutters lol and it aint worth mixing buisness with pleasure.

Answer #12

never broke girls hearts they just break mines:/

Answer #13

Well jumped off a building ( not to die just for fun! ) I jumped the 3 floor and broke my leg

Answer #14

niga u crazy

Answer #15

Hay it was for R500 so i scored that day

Answer #16

jumped off a bridge do to peer pressure, after my first attempt it became a hobby

Answer #17

Blowing throw a straw probably made the poor little lizards lungs explode like an over inflated ballon….In future if ever the event arises again please for gods sake just blow an inch away from its open mouth,and then the poor troden on thing might have a chance of survival.

Answer #18

ay true

Answer #19

The nutters bit?…i am wid ya ;)

Answer #20

Bungee Jumping ! But it was worth it.

Answer #21

I feel you man

Answer #22

dated a 29 year old for 5 years when i was seven

Answer #23

dated a 29 year old for 5 years when i was seven

Answer #24

dated a 29 year old for 5 years when i was seven

Answer #25

dated a 29 year old for 5 years when i was seven

Answer #26

dated a 29 year old for 5 years when i was seven

Answer #27

Threw a potted cactus at a cop ‘cuz his car ran over my phone.

Answer #28

Threw a potted cactus at a cop ‘cuz his car ran over my phone.

Answer #29

UGH sorry not twice -.-

Answer #30

a friend and I got into a fight one night …..WE both walked away from it without a mark on either of us……but when the police turned up there were 7 of the other lot still able to walk….out of 32….man that was CRAZY !!

Answer #31

O.O me and my friend bought a very big teeshirt and then me and him got into it and acted like conjoined twins. that was in the ninth grade.lol

Answer #32

I snuck out and walked into my house at 3 in the morining hoping I wouldn’t get caught but I did:P Now I’m more careful when I sneak out. Ohhhh I also went skinny dipping lol XD

Answer #33

crazy girl

Answer #34

crazy girl

Answer #35

crazy girl

Answer #36

lol its ok

Answer #37

DUDE um i dont think thats possiable

Answer #38

i am stuck between the time i broke into a house with some of my friends or when i was intoxicated ended up in another state and no one knew where i was

Answer #39

You aint crazy…You Wild hunnie :)

Answer #40

Hmmm well i would say she is both :)

Answer #41

and soon to be banged up if she carrys on with the crims.

Answer #42

LMFAO xD i do not do these things on a regular basis i promise. but i was arrested for the out of state one so i learned a lesson

Answer #43

lmao i was going to say i dated a dude 15 years older then me when i was 17 but dammm dude lol 7 years old does not count though because every kid i baby sit calls me their girlfriend when i am not

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