Can you believe in God and evolution at the same time?

Can you believe in God and evolution at the same time?

Answer #1

Is it you dont believe in the Bible ???

Its easy to believe IN the bible… they’re everywhere: They’re tangible, they clearly exist. Now, believing the bible is the infallible WORD OF GOD, to be read and interpreted LITERALLY (though, I’m not sure which version is to be read this way) without question… that’s a different story.

I don’t know WHY this question keeps coming up anyway. Evolution has already been PROVEN to occur. And more and more christians are accepting it, and can easily incorporate it into their system of beliefs. They just let go of that silly ‘literal interpretation’ crutch.


Ohhh… I get it… the pro-creationists (the severely ignorant ones) are still desperatley clinging to that old ‘’monkey’s uncle’’ argument… saaad…

Answer #2

I’ve got a theory that the “7days” that god created the earth was really like 5 billions years,so the big bang and the evolution of man was all apart of the creation.

Answer #3

“We came from Adam and Eve why is it so hard for you to understand ??? Is it you dont believe in the Bible ???”

That’s right, I don’t. Why should I, exactly? And before you say “it’s the word of god” - how do you know it is?

More to the point, many people believe in the bible and evolution - including the catholic church, incidentally. They rightly perceive that the account in genesis is intended to be allegorical, not literal. In fact, even ancient jews believed this - it’s only recently that evangelical christians have insisted on interpreting it in the most literal way possible.

Answer #4

We came from Adam and Eve why is it so hard for you to understand ??? Is it you dont believe in the Bible ???

Answer #5

well I see you still think we did LOL . Well I know we didnt but you believe in evolution but God made us . I didnt think we came from monkeys {apes same thing }

Answer #6

My daughter went to catholic high school and they taught evolution, not creationism. It is only the more extreme myopic types that can’t accept that their bible’s might only be allegorical.

Answer #7

you can believe in anything you want…there is no right or wrong answer about what a person believes…it is all a personal choice

Answer #8

…indeed. Most Christians accept evolution. The Catholic church has even recognized evolution as a proven fact. I imagine they don’t want another Galileo incident.

Answer #9

you can belive anything you want. Others will always disagree, but if you are cofertable with what you belive then screw them

Answer #10

Yes. Only the crazy biblical literalists believe otherwise. Just wait, one’ll turn up soon to tell us we’re all wrong and we should believe genesis as literal truth, the earth is no more than 6000 years old, and dinosaurs walked the earth with man.

Answer #11

Yes you can… as long as you know a decent amount about both.

There’s too many theists who think ‘evolution’ means nothing more than: ‘’The Big Bang is true, and we all evolved from monkeys.’’

Answer #12

angelwaiting2: My god! You’re right! You’ve stumbled across the achilles heel of evolution, which no evolutionary scientist has ever considered! We are defeated!

Seriously, though: We didn’t evolve from monkeys. Apes and humans (apes, not monkeys!) have a common ancestor. The two species diverged into humans and the various species of apes you see today.

Contrary to what some people think, evolution is not some process of improvement towards “better” creatures, with humans on top - it’s a process by which living creatures become better adapted to their environment (which includes other animals competing with them).

Answer #13


Answer #14

Again. We didn’t “come from” monkeys or apes. Apes and humans have a common ancestor - a creature that is neither human nor ape.

What is it you find so difficult to believe about this? Evolution is the scientific consensus. It does an astoundingly good job of explaining and predicting things, and it fits all the observed facts. Either we live in a world with a sadistic god who set up everything to look as if evolution really did happen (6000 years ago - or maybe just last tuesday - why not?), or evolution is correct - in the broad strokes if not the details.

Answer #15

ok let me ask this if we came from monkeys how come no monkeys are evovling into humans now then ???

Answer #16


Answer #17

I believe in a god and evolution. I wouldn’t consider myself a christian though. so I guess my answer is yes :]

Answer #18

technically you can

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