It Takes More Faith To Believe in Evolution and The Big Bang

Why does faith in a Supreme Creator, God, merit any less belief than what others believe. Does it require more faith to believe that God created what we see or to believe that something the size of a baseball exploded and expanded to create what we have now in the outer expansions of space? If so, how did the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn fit in that baseball-sized material? Also, if we arose over time as a result of the primordial ooze then how did the first thing that wriggled in there know the other one was wriggling so they could come together to create another wriggling thing. Also, if monkeys turned into men where are these monkeys now? Why are they not still evolving into men? Why are not we evolving into something else? Also, the Bible explicitly said that the world was round , the moon reflected the light of the sun, the sun was the center of our universe and that there were springs and chasms under the sea many thousands of years before men figured it out. So, why replace faith with something harder to believe? After all, belief in evolution, the big bang and other such things constitute faith and religion in and of themselves. Other than that, it is mighty funny that over 90% of early scientists who made significant finds and contributions to their respective fields were Christians to begin with. Go figure. This debate is as old as time and will only be settled when God decides to reveal the truth. One wonders how anyone can seriously study science and believe half of the modern junk out their being sold as fact. Carbon dating has been proven to be erroneous. Many of the early hominids have been proven to either be hoaxes or not as old as others purported. Some scientists say that humans and dinosaurs never roamed the earth at the same time, yet the Bible says they did. Also, there are plenty of fossils were man’s footprints appear inside of a dinosaur’s. There have been petrified trees only thousands of years old thrust face down at an angle crossing through millions of years of strata in rock samples which would be supportive of a worldwide catastrophic flood of Genesis proportions. See, the fact is Science and faith can work together, the problem is some people think it can’t. Prove to me there is no God. Where you cannot, I can show mathematical and scientific impossibilities in nature that prove a Divine and Intelligent Creator had His hand in it all. After all, who would believe that a Rolex they came across just evolved on its own? No intelligent being would. It would be quite evident that a watchmaker had to be involved with its creation. The creation around us is just the same. Now, refute that.

Answer #1

Doctorbush proves there is no evolution…

He could NOT possibly have evolved from any primate connection… Primates are more intelligent. Perhaps in his case it is reverse evolution…

Answer #2

Faith is belief without evidence. There is plenty of evidence for the big bang and for evolution - so faith is not required. Further, scientists revise their views in face of contradictory evidence. If we’re wrong, we want to know about it, so we can figure out what the right answer is!

to believe that something the size of a baseball exploded and expanded to create what we have now in the outer expansions of space? If so, how did the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn fit in that baseball-sized material?

It wasn’t baseball-sized, and it wasn’t an explosion - it was a rapid expansion from a singularity in space.

Also, if we arose over time as a result of the primordial ooze then how did the first thing that wriggled in there know the other one was wriggling so they could come together to create another wriggling thing.

The first lifeforms reproduced asexually, so there was no need for them to find a mate in the first place.

Also, if monkeys turned into men where are these monkeys now?

Monkeys have a common ancestor with man - we didn’t evolve from them, and nobody who knows what they’re talking about claims we did.

Why are they not still evolving into men?

Monkeys are still evolving - but evolution isn’t purposeful and directed. What they evolve into is a result of their environment, and will be something distinct from what we are and what we will become.

Why are not we evolving into something else?

We are.

Also, the Bible explicitly said that the world was round , the moon reflected the light of the sun

These things have been known for millenia.

the sun was the center of our universe

But it’s not.

Other than that, it is mighty funny that over 90% of early scientists who made significant finds and contributions to their respective fields were Christians to begin with.

What does the religious belief of a scientist have to do with their discovery? Particularly when you are asserting that we should simply throw science out the window and substitute reliigous faith for it?

Carbon dating has been proven to be erroneous.

No it hasn’t.

Many of the early hominids have been proven to either be hoaxes or not as old as others purported.

The hoaxes have been proven to be hoaxes - usually, right from the start, and it was only the media who were fooled. There is plenty of legitimate fossil evidence.

Some scientists say that humans and dinosaurs never roamed the earth at the same time, yet the Bible says they did.

‘some’ scientists say that because to suggest otherwise is plainly insane. Also, the bible only ‘says’ they did that if you take a very liberal interpretation of a very few parts of it.

Also, there are plenty of fossils were man’s footprints appear inside of a dinosaur’s.

No there aren’t.

There have been petrified trees only thousands of years old thrust face down at an angle crossing through millions of years of strata in rock samples which would be supportive of a worldwide catastrophic flood of Genesis proportions.

No there aren’t.

Where you cannot, I can show mathematical and scientific impossibilities in nature that prove a Divine and Intelligent Creator had His hand in it all.

Go on then.

By the way, would it kill you to use paragraph breaks?

Answer #3

…and since you no doubt consider faith to be virtuous, then those who accept the evidence of evolution and the big bang are more virtuous, right?

Answer #4

And a society cannot change without the individuals changing. Individuals have changed. We have evolved.

I know only so much on the topic, but, werent we talking about physical evolution? ofcourse if you want to start talking about how humans socialize, ofcourse theres evolution there. you can categorize a lot of things evolving.

if your talking about how humans change their minds, well thats different.

btw. I never said I didnt believe in evolution…

Answer #5

Can you just not continue believing what you want and leave me alone to believe what I want?

This argument is so tired.

Answer #6

sigh. Another one. The big bang is a THEORY. People don’t believe in it, the just believe that it explains the origins of the universe better then a god.

Oh and science have never been claiming to be 100% correct, can’t say the same for religion

Furthermore WHO CREATED GOD?

Answer #7

thats wrong. the obvious reason is because they had no vaccinations or medicine of the like that we have had in the last two centuries, to make human life longer. simply becuase our bodies are helped to fight diseases and viruses like never before.

sigh yes, we may evolve in a different way than other creatures but we have evolved. whether it was by nature or man made vaccinations, its still evolution. and now I might as well add on. Maybe physical evolution wasnt the best way for me to describe it. Think about how society has evolved. And a society cannot change without the individuals changing. Individuals have changed. We have evolved.

Answer #8

Also, the Bible explicitly said that the world was round

No it didn’t… it refers to the ‘’circle of earth’’ …it said CIRCLE… a circle is a FLAT (2D) shape. So stop lying… its a sin…

The creation around us is just the same. Now, refute that.

Easy enough… you cannot prove the universe was ‘created’ just as you cannot prove there is a creator… all you have is just a NEED for an answer to an unanswerable question, because you fear your own mortality. There, refuted.

Oh, and the rest of your rant is comprised of some of the most worn-out, ignorant, easily debunked arguments and LIES that are ONLY used by theists who are too ignorant (and afraid) to do ACTUAL research for themselves.

Answer #9

really? I would like to be educated on these legitimate fossil evidences you speak of. any links or reliable sources please?

Sure - there’s an entire wikipedia page of references:

And here’s a list of transitional fossils relevant to human evolution (though not necessarily direct ancestors):

Richard Dawkins’ new book, The Greatest Show on Earth, also has an entire chapter on this.

Answer #10

B. we have evolved, and are still evolving. look simply to the midieval times when a full grown man was 5ft tall and lived to be 40 and could be killed by a cold.

thats wrong. the obvious reason is because they had no vaccinations or medicine of the like that we have had in the last two centuries, to make human life longer. simply becuase our bodies are helped to fight diseases and viruses like never before.

The hoaxes have been proven to be hoaxes - usually, right from the start, and it was only the media who were fooled. There is plenty of legitimate fossil evidence.

really? I would like to be educated on these legitimate fossil evidences you speak of. any links or reliable sources please?

Answer #11

obe189, Nothing in science is considered absolute. Newton’s laws worked for a long time but when Einstein discovered they were insufficient our view of reality changed. The fact that scientists do not claim to have absolute knowledge allows them to constantly add to their knowledge and move closer to the truth.

Self-criticism is the biggest difference between science and dogma.

Answer #12

When you really think about it, Science is as much about faith as Religion is.

No, it’s really not. Science is about gathering evidence, formulating theories, and then testing them. If they’re wrong, they get discarded or revised, and tested again.

Scientists are always sayingThis is how it is.This is our proof. Absolute truth.

No, they’re really not. That’s completely inimical to the scientific method, and something no reputable scientist would claim.

Partly to blame here is media reporting of science, which is typically terrible.

Its all a matter of what you want to beleive

No, science has been empirically shown to be a useful way to explain how the world works - as evidenced by the fact that every single object around you was made possible through science.

Answer #13

When you really think about it, Science is as much about faith as Religion is.

Religious zealots are always claiming that the Bible is the truth and the word Of God but they have no proof other than theyre beleifs to back it up.

Scientists are always saying”This is how it is.This is our proof. Absolute truth.” Until they come up with some new fossil or some idiot uncovers a stone and then they change up everything so now this new find is truth, this is our proof.

Its all a matter of what you want to beleive and if you really want to argue it then enjoy yourself, I for one will do my best to enjoy life and the pleasures that come with it.

Answer #14

Another clueless creationist pretending that he knows something about cosmology and evolutionary science, when the truth is he knows nothing about it.

Do you attack all science, or only science that disproves your mythology?

After all, belief in evolution, the big bang and other such things constitute faith and religion in and of themselves.

Is believing in the theory of gravity also a religion? What a proposterous suggestion. Science is based on evidence and facts. Your mythology has neither.

Answer #15

A. Most scientists actually theorize that mankind is not a direct decendant from monkeys but more like a distant cousin. It is said that we come from a similar species, not right from them. glad you pay attention to the theories you bash.

B. we have evolved, and are still evolving. look simply to the midieval times when a full grown man was 5ft tall and lived to be 40 and could be killed by a cold.

C. while your mathmatic impossibilities may point to a higher being, where do they say that the being was the christian god? it could be a goddess. It could be anything. not just a christian, homophobic, sexist, and prudish god that condemns everything different to hell.

D. And where on this Rolex-like creation does it say “made in Heaven”?

Answer #16

And I am too complex and intricate to just have evolved.

This is called the “argument from personal incredulity”. Just because you can’t conceive of something happening doesn’t mean it can’t happen.

Science itself proves that something CANNOT come from nothing, any human knows that.

Actually, quantum physics permits the continuous creation and destruction of matter in a process known as “quantum vacuum fluctuations”.

Also, I don’t see any body or any thing evolving into some different species. Last time I checked no monkey gave birth to me! Ludicrous.

Yes, that would be ludicrous. But that’s not what evolution claims. How can you be so convinced a scientific theory is wrong when you clearly don’t even know how it works?

Plus science cannot explain our morality, I mean don’t you people value yourself a little more than that?

Yes it can. Morality is a social contract that we have because it allows us to associate in large groups harmoniously, which increases the chances of individuals successfully reproducing.

Answer #17

If God didn’t exist, neither would atheists. And I am too complex and intricate to just have “evolved.” Science itself proves that something CANNOT come from nothing, any human knows that. Also, I don’t see any body or any thing evolving into some different species. Last time I checked no monkey gave birth to me! Ludicrous. Plus science cannot explain our morality, I mean don’t you people value yourself a little more than that? Don’t you think you’re worth something and created for a purpose? You can’t deny to me that you can look around and look inside of you and not feel or know that there is something more. We are not a fluke or creature. People we are humans! We have feelings, we are intelligent, and we are beautiful. My God can explain that but your theory sure can’t.

Answer #18

doctorbush if ignorance is bliss you must be orgasmic.

Answer #19

utopia haha that made me laugh

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