What should I tell her!? He's my bffs ex!!!?

Well..me and my best friend’s ex boyrfriend(they dated for 8 monthes but she cheated on him 7 times)…anywho..Lately we have been talking NON-stop and its been like sexting almost…like today I promised that if he won his basketball game on friday we’d “hang out”…if you know what I mean…(; Well I mean my friends kinda a B!tch so I dont really give a sh!t…but we both promised to keep it a secret since we go to different schools..[: What do you think I should do?? should I STOP doing this with him?? im not a S!ut..I just like him…a lot…what do you think sbout it[:

Answer #1

Ha A “slut” was the furthest thing from my mind. :) It sounds to me that you’re a purdy nice gal who still takes your friend’s feelings into concideration despite everything she’s done. Before doing anything, I would just weigh-out the pros and cons… Basically, how important is your friendship compared to how much you like this guy? I usually put friends first, but I say GO FOR IT! Life’s too short to miss out on great opportunities. If she’s a good friend, your friendship will last through it. If not, if she’s not willing to put herself in your shoes too, then I guess you can always find a new friend. I’m sure it won’t be that dramatic, especiallyyy if you guys aren’t that close, but it’s always good to look at things through different perspectives. Good luck!!!

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