What is shallow?

is it shaollow to break up with some one because you no longer are attracted to hiis/her attitude, demeanor, drive, goals, looks, personality self confidence, swagger, knowledge, and your parents dislike him and also his height? please tell me because I don’t know I feel maybe I hurthim and now hes really mad.sigh I cant help him but what can I do? and am I a shallow bastard because I care about looks?

Answer #1

It would be shallow to break up with someone because of their looks. The rest of it, definitley not! I think everyone cares about looks a bit, whether they admit it or not, but if you don’t like his personality and attitude anymore than you shouldn’t stay with him, because those are the things that are important! I hope everything works out OK…:)

Answer #2

if you are no longer attracted to the guy it would be wrong to stay with him.. b/c you would be leading him on and even tually you would break up. Chemistry is always part of a relationship … dont forget that. and if you no longer like his attitude/personality/self confidence/goals/etc . then its definatly not shallow to break up with him. For you would be wasting both of you guys time by staying together !! Plus you need to think about yourself and what you want and if its not him then send him packing … You shouldnt feel bad unless you used him or something!! For you did have feelings before for him but he changed or/and your feelings changed !! It happens to every1 …btw sometimes your parents know whats best for you bt this time I got to say ignore what your parents said b/c their comment was shallow!!… also you cant help him.. really.. just tell him when he wants a friend you will be there for him but also give him his space.. he is going to need it to move on!!.. dont worry every1 goes through rejection its a part of life and love!!

Answer #3

looks yes. but not personality and attitude it would be shallow to leave them because of ONLY their looks but also very shallow to stay with them because of ONLY their looks. I’m thinking it’s best to leave him. but forget about what your parents think. are they the ones dating him? think not.

Answer #4

to dumb someone for their looks is shallow. but if you dont like their attitude and personality then that not shwllow at all. people do care about looks and thats not a bad thing. if you dont like him then dont waste your time with him. make sure your happy x

Answer #5

There is a common myth that to love or not someone based on their looks is shallow. This is not the case. Physical attraction is as important in a healthy relationship as mental or emotional stimulation. They are all part of the same whole, and one cannot be pulled out, sniffed at, and dismissed as irrelevant. If you are not attracted to him physically, it’s not shallow. It’s a sign that you are not meant to be with him.

But considering you have SO many more aspects about him that you aren’t attracted to, you have nothing to worry about. You did the right thing to let him down. To do otherwise would have hurt you both even more in the long run.

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