What is pulling???

What is pulling as in like your boyfriend and girlfriend? I know it’s a really strange question but loads of people in ma class say dey are gunna do it at our disco coming up with their boyfriends and I really wanna know what it actually means your doing? Is it like a kiss or something? Someone please tell me…

Answer #1

when you go out pulling, you go out and chat up people you find attractive, to either creat a relationship or just to have fun.

Answer #2

“when a man and woman, or a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, or a he she and a he she, or a man and a he she, or a woman and a he she, press each others lips against each others, and then stick their tongues in each others mouths. They then proceed to massage each others tongues with their own tongues.”

  • Urbandictionary
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