What if there is no Lord?

what if jesus was not god,christians, or anyone what if there is no god..when you die and your just dead. would you regret the time and beleif worshipping a god..or do you think it is beniffiting you now even if you are convinced there is a god..but there really is not. what do you think?

Answer #1

You say that a person only has to believe that something is true in order to die for it. That is a pretty big only. But let’s take that as a starting point. In that case, why did people believe that it was true in ancient days?

St. Paul recounts his sufferings, and he claims that he endures them because the risen Lord appeared to him.

There are only three possiblities regarding that statement. Either he is lying, he is a lunatic, or he actually saw the risen Christ and was willing to suffer for his testimony.

Based on the statement that you gave (you only have to believe it to die for it) it’s not unreasonable to infer that he is not a liar. If he was merely a liar, he would not be willing to endure.

As far as the possibility that he is a lunatic is concerned: I have read the letters where he recounts his both his experiences of the Lord and his sufferings, and they do not seem like the writtings of a mad-man.

Answer #2

If there was no Lord, then, there would be no intelligent design.

And we all know that there was a super intelligence involved, or we wouldn’t be as smart as we are.

Can you imagine, thinking you came from an ape???


Answer #3

Well I pray for you nebula that you will have faith one day. he is real. you will find out one day and regret you didnt accept hinm into your life.

Answer #4

* “why did people believe that it was true in ancient days?”

Why did people believe Horus was real, or Apollo, or any number of other myths the ancients (and moderns) believed to be real? People used to be outlandishly gullible. …actually we pretty much still are.

That said, I’m not at all convinced that early Christians believed in a historical Jesus. That could easily have been a 2nd century phenomenon.

Answer #5

Then a lot of religious people have wasted time & money trying to save themselves, when they should have been spending that energy trying to save the planet.

Answer #6

well, it said ‘all living creatures’, humans are living creatures last time I checked and if god is perfect, than why did he show anger multiple times througout the bible? if he really loves people, why would he send them to ‘burn in the firey pits of hell?”

thanks I gtg anyways I do respect everyones beliefs:)

Answer #7

yes there is direct proof.

what do you mean by “why didnt any of the historians and other people around the holy land at that time record his miracles” could you make that a little clearer :) thank ya

Answer #8

ok God CANNOT SIN its impossible for him to. and to answer one of the questions about the miracles not being recorded. they are. just not all of them for it says in the Bible that only a few of the miraculous signs has been written down to show you. and the Bible was written years after Jesus’ resurrection through chosen writers through the Holy Spirit’s breathe. and only 4 books of the Bible were written about Jesus’ days on earth and they were all about some of the same things because they were 4 mens points of views on what he was doing. and the book of Genesis was written by moses and other authors. moses has been dead for quite some time before the Bible was put all together. and also remember that people lived longer back then rather then todays people. and to answer the very first question this was truly about. think of it this way. if this is all a lie then why would the first martyrs die for a lie? if Jesus wasnt real and he didnt really do anything then why would men continue saying he did just to DIE?!?!?! theres only one answer to that. it really did happen. and the only other way to answer it if you dont like that answer is to die yourself.

religion does not control peoples minds. some do but not Christianity. God cannot control you only you can. but he always knows whats going to happen. and he only reveals what he wants to reveal to us.

Answer #9

ok God CANNOT SIN its impossible for him to. and to answer one of the questions about the miracles not being recorded. they are. just not all of them for it says in the Bible that only a few of the miraculous signs has been written down to show you. and the Bible was written years after Jesus’ resurrection through chosen writers through the Holy Spirit’s breathe. and only 4 books of the Bible were written about Jesus’ days on earth and they were all about some of the same things because they were 4 mens points of views on what he was doing. and the book of Genesis was written by moses and other authors. moses has been dead for quite some time before the Bible was put all together. and also remember that people lived longer back then rather then todays people. and to answer the very first question this was truly about. think of it this way. if this is all a lie then why would the first martyrs die for a lie? if Jesus wasnt real and he didnt really do anything then why would men continue saying he did just to DIE?!?!?! theres only one answer to that. it really did happen. and the only other way to answer it if you dont like that answer is to die yourself.

religion does not control peoples minds. some do but not Christianity. God cannot control you only you can. but he always knows whats going to happen. and he only reveals what he wants to reveal to us.

Answer #10


I am glad to hear that you are taking the time to read the bible and find out what it actually says. Even if it doesn’t convince you now, it will be a good foundation for when you grow older. But I ask that you keep an open mind when you read it, and try to find out what it would have meant through the eyes of the author.

Your previous answers make me wonder how far along you are. It is true that God promised Noah that he would not destroy the world by flood, and it is also true that he accepted his offerings, but it is not true that he forgave the sins of all mankind. Later on, in the book of Deuteronomy, he said:

“I call heaven and earth to witness against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and you descendants may live, by loving the Lord, your God, heeding his voice, and holding fast to him. For that will mean life for you…” (Dt. 30:19-20).

You also asked if the New Testament miracles were meant to be taken literally. I submit, based on the writings of the New Testament, that they were meant to be taken literally and doesn’t make sense to interperet them figuratively. Consider the following passages:

“If I do not prform the Father’s works, do not believe me; but if I perform them, even if you do not believe me, believe the works, so that you may realize and understand…” (John 10:38)

“Believe that I am in the Father and that the Father is in me, or else, believe because of the works themselves” (Jn 14:11).

“If there is no resurrection of the dead, then neither has Christ been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then empty too is our preaching; empty too your faith. Then we are also false witnesses to God, because we testify against God that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise if in fact the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, neither has Christ been raised, and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is in vain; you are still in your sins. Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are the most pitiable people of all” (1 Corinthians 15:13-19).

“What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked upon and touched with our hands concerns the Word of life—for that life was made visible; we have seen it and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life that was with the Father and was made visible to us—what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you” (1 Jn. 1:1-3).

If I may make a reccomendation, Don’t try to read the bible cover to cover. I started when I was your age, and I’m still working on it (I’m currently 22). I actually had to stop (for the sake of my sanity) and start reading the books out of order. I suggest reading the Old and New Testaments at the same time. (FYI: The books of Leviticus, Numbers, 1 & 2 Chronicles and Job are tedious, and you may want to wait to read them until you learn what they were trying to convey.)

Answer #11

basically, the writers that were around during the time jesus was alive didn’t record his miracles, such as turning water into wine when they recorded other events that occured during that time period you’d think someone with all these ‘powers’ would have been written about and studied during his lifetime maybe these things such as him feeding a ton of people with two loaves of bread, were meant to be taken figurativey(sp?) not literally

Answer #12

there is no direct proof that he died on the cross also, if jesus was as ‘powerful’ as people said he was why didn’t any of the historians and other people around the holy land at that time record his ‘miracles’? its only recorded in a biased book called the bible (which I am currently reading, so I know what im talking about) oh, and I also am interested in the author of the Old Testament’s credentials:)

Answer #13

look the way I figure it, there is a god, there was christ, jesus is my savior, so I mean whatever yall can think what you want…I dont really care, I’m jus sayin, that I mean when yall do die, especially yall athiests…you going to be like…oh damn maybe I should of accepted him…so I don’t know I’m not condemming yall, I’ll leave that up to my lord, but I’m jus sayin yall gotta think about some stuff…and foxxy…anger isnt a sin, no where in the bible does it say being angry is a sin, jesus was perfect and he was furious when he saw the priests selling stuff in the courtyard…hey and most parents love their kids, but they can only put up with so much before they kick you out…god is your parent, and he can only put up with so much…thats not a sin either DO NOT MISINTERPRET MY WORDS into something saying that god is not perfect

Answer #14

The Lord promised to never again send a FLOOD that would destroy all mankind. Where in those verses does it say, “I God, forgive all mankind”? It doesn’t

As for the question above. Tomorrow I celebrate my Lord’s resurrection. I do not believe as an insurance policy. I believe because He told me to.

If we are wrong, and I do not believe we are, we just die. If we are right we spend an eternity with someone who loved us enough to die for us.

And by the way, yes, beieving in Jesus has affected the way I live my life. I try to put away my selfish behavior and live for others. I’ve learned to forgive people for what they have done to me, which ultimately helped me. I’ve learned to lean on God, and therefore I never feel alone, I feel loved and encouraged. I have something to hod onto when life gets rough. So even if those were the only benifits I would believe.

Answer #15

No. I have done research on this myself and read other peoples research./ It is a scientific fact. It didnt say exactly “its a scientific fact there is a god” it said its a scientific fact that there is a higher biegn of power that is answering our prayers. and who is our prayers aimed at>? jesus.

Answer #16


What if there is a god after all, but it’s evil and plans to punish believers while letting all the atheists into party city for all eternity. Now who wins and loses by because of what they believe?

If you’re believing as an insurance policy, how can you be sure you’re properly insured?

Answer #17

haha your going to get some funny answers from believers im an athiest and sometimes I think christians start believing as insurance if there is a place when we die kind of a ‘if there is a god, ill at least go to heaven’ also, I hate when athiests and religious people fight and they’re like ‘your going to hell!’ people should concentrate more on living than dying

Answer #18

anger isnt imperfect.. it says in the bible that it really means you love someone when you get angry and punish them.. and love certainly isnt imperfect…

Answer #19

to make that cleareer so you guys dont think im a freak.. I meant punish them when they do wrong… haha

Answer #20

I personally dont believe “just to be safe” jesus died on the cross for me (there is proof that he did die on the cross btw) and I owe him that much:)

Answer #21

That one’s easy. They don’t. The dead sea scrolls have been carbon dated to the 1st-3rd century BCE (which is consistent with paleographic dating), and make no mention of Jesus or the Gospels, which is certainly no surprise.

I think you’re confusing the Nag Hammadi library with the dead sea scrolls. The Nag Hammadi Library dates to the ~4th century CE.

Answer #22

yes it does, “ Finally after an entire year, God invited Noah to come out of the ark. Immediately, he built an altar and worshiped the Lord with burnt offerings from some of the clean animals. God was pleased with the offerings and promised never again to destroy all the living creatures as he had just done. Later God established a covenant with Noah: “Never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.” As a sign of this everlasting covenant God set a rainbow in the clouds.”


Answer #23

the new testament wasn’t written until years after jesus’s death with all respect, jesus was pretty sweet but he couldn’t have been sent to ‘save mankind’ he was a prophet anyways, didn’t “god” forgive humans after Noah sacrificed animals after the flood? yeah, he said that he would never again destroy the creatures he did during the flood so basically, jesus really didn’t save people

but all of this is irrelevant to this user’s question

Answer #24

twilightgrl911 anger is imperfect, it DOES NOT mean you love someone and aarthur001, thanks for the suggested reading:D

but back to the anger, thats quite untrue, because that would mean I love the person who raped me, because I am angry and I got through that situation without god, without jesus and I’ve learned to appreciate nature and I’ve learned that I can handle things on my own I had no strength from anyone to carry me through I felt used and abused, and I didn’t turn to someone in the sky I turned to myself, and my love of art thats what got me through and god did not create that, no one knows, and no one ever will believe in god, its your choice, not mine my bff is a believer, however I am not I never will be because I don’t except things that are made to control the masses religion controls peoples minds it has some good morales, however it turns believers against anyone whos different it just upsets me when people say things like’ jesus is always here for you, he was when you went through _ and you need to except him’ to me because I did it on my own, I got over rape on my own I got over rehab, abuse and suicide ON MY OWN it might sound scary that when you hit rock bottom theres no one to catch you but thats why you work on yourself and you work on loving others because knowing that you are strong and knowing that you can make a difference not god not jesus but yourself is what will save you in the end.

Answer #25

toadaly… Maybe you should read more. Do research , google. Before you make comment, read and get your facts straight.

Answer #26

it’s a scientific fact that there is a higher being among us? dude, pass to the left.

Answer #27

* “if Jesus wasnt real and he didnt really do anything then why would men continue saying he did just to DIE?!?!?! “

Do you not read the news about suicide bombers? Something need not be true for people to die for it. People just have to believe it’s true to die for it.

Answer #28

superman, if you like, you can present your facts, and I’d be happy to analyze them. If they’re convincing, I’ll readily admit it. If I disagree, I’ll explain why. However, as of this moment, I’m unaware of any such facts in spite of effort to discover them.

Answer #29

superman, my facts are as straight as I can get them. Of course if you google ‘is there a god’, you’re going to get millions of hits proclaiming “yes”, but that hardly makes it a scientific fact.

Answer #30

no, god didnt forgive humansafter noah sacrificed animals… it doesnt say that in the bible… ibelieve jesus did save all ofmankind. but thats just me.. I mean why couldnt he of.? lol but yes you are right this is irrelevant to the question.

Answer #31

Ehh, oh contrary, silverwings. Nature is a result of natural sets of events. That “super intelligence” you’re refering to translates into natural selection. There’s no need to call that intelligent, give results credit to a God, or worship it. If you want to deny the fact that we all evolved, be my guest.

superman, God is not real, and I’ll never have faith that he is. If praying makes you feel better that I don’t believe in myth and superstition that you believe are real, go right ahead. Even if it turned out he was real, I wouldn’t regret denying him, but the odds of that are about the same as the tooth fairy.

Answer #32

well I dont, or ever will beleive in god. but I must say baseballman4life’s answer was pretty retarted…its funny how a lot of people who believe in ‘god’ just cant let other people be, they have to convince them on what they think is right. but you can beleive in whatever you want! dont be pressured by other people. whoever yes, its does help some people in thinking theres a god. some people need something to believe in, somewere to turn, and someone to go to for all the answers that cant be explaied…and some people dont. plain and simple.

Answer #33

If there’s no Lord a Christian is simply dead - if there is a Lord people who didn’t believe, scoffed, made fun, just made easily the most Monumental Mistake they could ever have made.

Answer #34

Science does not allow God, because they don’t exist and can’t be disproven. I don’t just think about how we got here, I know and God has nothing to do with, just because you don’t know doesn’t mean the unknown has to have been done by a God, So don’t say he’s fu*king real, cause he’s not. (:

Answer #35

well, im not saying your not allowed to believe but anger is definatly imperfect and ‘god’ is supposedly perfect im not trying to convert anyone, beliveing is great I choose to believe in myself, instead of depending on something that has overwhelming odds of not being real I mean, which god does everyone on this believe is god? there are roman ones, indian one, celtic ones its very ignorant to say all of them are wrong and are going to regret it when they die and what about the people before jesus? what did they depend on? ‘god’ alone? whatever, im glad people have things that keep them going in life, however it should not be used offensivly towards non believers

Answer #36

If that is true, then why do the carbon-dated deadsea scrolls include Gosple accounts dated from the late 1st century?

Answer #37
Answer #38

If there is no God I am going to be pissed!

Answer #39

I’m a christian… And here’s my view on it…

What if there is no God?… And what if everything I’ve learned and been told is a lie?..

Then its the best lie known to man… And I’m willing to keep living my life by it…

Answer #40

[Open mouth… insert foot]

Answer #41

but I dont know foxxy you might want to ask a more mature christian.. im still a baby one. haha so I dont know as much :)

best of luck!

Answer #42

but they did record his miracles.. didnt they? the writers in the bible.. sry im kinda confused.

Answer #43

We would all DIE! :)3

Answer #44

I agree with Amblessed…

Answer #45

silverwings, we ARE biologically apes, so I’m not sure what’s so odd about the idea that we originated as apes.

Answer #46

Well have you ever thought about howe we got here? And its a scientific fact that there is a higher being among us. How did the world get here? stars,grass,people?. and dont say revolution. And if you do, think about think. How did the creators get here to reproduce? the lord is real. I hope you all understand, or come to understand that.

Answer #47

but that doesnt necessarly (spell check) that he forgave everybody..

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