what do you like to do in your free time.

what do you like to do in your free time.

Answer #1

finger, lmao jk I skate or listen to music and partay!! no friends having partys I call em and make sure they come!

Answer #2

Skate and chill with my peeps!

Answer #3

me I like to read

Answer #4

What I like to do in my free time is answer questions on funadvice, as well as talk to people on here. Sometimes I play solitaire if I can’t be online.

Answer #5

Answer these questions

google things like is is possible to live for ever and can I read minds

go out with my friends

try to convince my mom to let me go out with my friends

do the dishes to get a higher edge to convince my mom to let me go out with my friends


watch a clock change minutes

try to be a ninja

try to learn ninjitsu

google ninjitsu

google questions until I find websites like funadvice.com

Answer #6

Free time? Whats that? (I dont have a free time at all. If I do, I can allow myself only couple of minutes.. and I would spend them on lying on the bed and resting or on fun advice..)

Answer #7

watch t.v.

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