some times I feel like I've had this day before

somtimes during the day I feel like I’ve done this before and said the exact words and in the same place but I obv havent? what is it?

Answer #1

I get the same thing, I also have it of what is to come without being told and it happens. Like a teacher told us we had a test but never said what day (you know how teachers like to give you nice surprises), and I saw when it would be, (I suppose thats all I can describe it as)and it happened, same words said, same room (changed rooms for certain lessons).It’s like a strange form of deja vu isnt it?Anyone else get the same thing? x

Answer #2

it sounds like “deja vou” which is the feeling of reliving something: a feeling of having experienced something before although in fact it is the first time that it has been experienced I’ve had it quite a few times before and so have many other people its just when you think youve done something or been to that place before but you really havent

Answer #3

I don’t know but the same thing happens to me but know one believes me

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