What religious choices will lead to happiness?

What are the choices that leads to happiness

Answer #1

You’re the only one who can decide. If Jesus makes you happy then by no means believe in him.

I personally find happiness in helping others. I like being needed and feeling like I’ve made a difference in someone’s life. It’s true, I do.

Answer #2

well I am a christian but I get confused sometimes and I think the life of a christian and the life of a non christian both have difficulties so if you are a christian than go to church get married have kids and teach them to do the same. and if your not a christian well then I cant help you there I havent ever tried life that way..

Answer #3

I’m an atheist and I’m happy. Most of the athiests I know seem to be doing ok. I do think that shirley has a point; beleivers do tend to be happier than non-beleivers. Then again drunk people are usually happier than sober ones.

I believe that you find happiness by following your heart. Everyone tries to get you to do what they want you to. If you let other people do it they will tell you where to live, what kind of job to do, what kind of partner you should have, etc. Happiness comes from following your heart instead of trying to meet everyone else’s expectations.

I had to live most of my life and go through a mid-life crisis before I figured this out.

Good luck!

Answer #4

Obviously, it’s not true that only god makes you happy. I’m godless and I’m happy. Been that way for years.

Forming loving relationships and helping one’s fellow man (and creatures) brings fulfillment and makes me happy.

Answer #5

I would say being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and fallowing his (Jehovah God) word from the Bible is the best way to lead a happy life

Answer #6

god. him and only him

Answer #7

God touched my life 22 years ago, by his spirit, leading me into a life of following him, learning and growing, experiencing, participating, and this has brought me happiness. He gives us joy thru his spirit, revives us when we are weary, forgives when we miss the mark, picks us up when we fall,he sometimes leads us into situations that we may not understand, and have only one choice,and that is to trust, honor, and obey. Sometimes he says, Stand still, and see my salvation. Sometimes we are up, sometimes we are down, but, he stays the same, and if we are rooted in him, we will stand. Though the storms may be great that come against us, his power is greater than any thing that is allowed to touch our lives. What ever he does not take us out of, he takes us thru. His unseen hand, is always available, and hears when we call. He knows how many hairs are on our heads, and when a sparrow falls, he clothes the flowers of the field with beauty, will he not much more take care of those who have put their trust in him? There is peace in knowing that the God of the universe knows our name, our habits, our desires, and loves us completely, enough to die for us. All he asks for in return is a life committed to him.He promises to provide, all that we have need of, in his time, and in his way. He is one that sticks closer than a brother. His eye is ever upon us, and his hand is outstretched to us. He desires for us to have abundant life. How could one not be content, in a love like that?

Answer #8

I’ld say something following Panthies mfor me but really it’s a personal choice We can’t tell you what will make you happy that you must fugire out on your own.

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