Did you vote for Obama and do you think he's doing a good job?

My answer is yes and yes.(:

Answer #1

my answer is no and no

Answer #2

my answer is no and yes…. im not registered. :(

Answer #3

I voted for him but can’t honestly say he has done a good job. He has been a lousy negotiator with Republicans and compromised far to much on important issues. Remember that when the American economy was tanking, our mortgage, investment banking, and automotive industries were all near collapse Speaker John Boehner proudly proclaimed that his number one priority was to make Barack Obama a one term president. How can you negotiate with someone who so blatantly puts politics and the good of his party above the good of the country? Obama wanted to be bi-partisan but every time he reached his hand out to Republicans they slapped so he kept compromising trying to attract at least a few token Republican votes in order to be bipartisan. While I supported Obama over Hillary Clinton now I think that Clinton would have been tougher with Republican obstructionists. Remember that Ms. Clinton has experience with Republicans savaging her husband when he was in office. By being so eager to compromise Obama has been weak and has been emboldening Republicans to become even more doctrinaire and inflexible. Ok, we bailed out the banks; we backed away from the precipice but what have we gained from the bailout? Whenever a bank becomes “too big to fail” it is a monopoly. The megabanks should have been broken up into smaller banks and we should have legislation to prevent them from becoming so large in the future. There should have been caps on CEO compensation and we should have brought back laws against usery. Obama kept watering down health care reform trying to get conservadems and a few token Republicans aboard to the point where it is little better than nothing and even after all of that he ended up having to force it through with budget reconciliation. Obama and progressive Democrats should have come up with a good plan; used budget reconciliation, and then taken full responsibility and credit for it. President Obama’s biggest success is probably saving the American auto industry. The auto companies failing would have cost us over a million American jobs and not only is the auto industry back on its feet but has already paid back the government loans with interest. I’d still support Obama over any of the Republicans. Obama is weak but the Republicans are bat guano crazy.

Answer #4

Me neither,but my parents voted for him and I agreed

Answer #5

I’m to young & I don’t really know what all he’s done, but I think he ended a war & osama is dead soo if I could vote I probably would vote for him. xD

Answer #6

i dont vote..but i dont think he has done a very good job..putting us in so much dept and all that..i just expected way more out of him i suppose..

Answer #7

I didn’t vote for him. He’s done ok on a couple of things, but for the most part, I disapprove. Of course he is a likeable guy, but that’s not necessarily what makes a good president and unfortunatley, that’s how people vote, with their feelings instead of their brains.

Answer #8

Most of the deficit was legacy programs from George W. Remember that the last round of Bush tax cuts were unfunded and so reckless even by Republican standards that a time limit was placed on them. Extending the Bush tax cuts cost us over $500 billion. Our economic stimulus was in fact too small; we needed to think much bigger but the only way to get it to pass was to make half of it tax cuts to compel Republicans to vote for it. Tax cuts are the least effective way to stimulate the economy and to create jobs. Had the stimulus been bigger, including repairing and modernizing our crumbling infrastructure and raising taxes on Americans and corporations who do not pay their share it would have been far more effective. We have deficits because Republicans like deficits. Grover Norquist outlined his plan to “starve the beast.” He admitted that it is a tough sell to get Americans to vote against popular entitlement programs so instead Republicans should sell popular tax cuts to create an economic crisis such that having expensive entitlement programs is no longer economically feasible. This isn’t a conspiracy theory; it is what he actually said and nearly every Republican in congress has signed Grover Norquist’s pledge to never raise taxes under any circumstances. Republicans are at war with the Federal government trying to cause entitlement programs to fail so they can rebuild a limited federal government where corporations and the wealthy can amass wealth unfettered by taxes, regulation, or social responsibility.

Answer #9

I’m not old enough to vote, and no. I’d rather vote for a dog than vote for him. Just sayin.

Answer #10

yeah how come they say that its Obama’s fault for the debt, but when Bush spent trillions of dollars and doubled our country’s debt no one says anything

Answer #11

I didn’t, and unless he can fix the jobs situation in relation to our terrible economy he is looking more and more vulnerable to win a second term.

Answer #12


Answer #13

Thank you! ^^ Both of you, you actually don’t blame how we got here all completely on Obama! Everyone blames him for anything and watches bias news and believes it all. I think hes doing the best he can..

Answer #14

My answer is no (because I’m not American, but I would have if I could) and no, (but he’s still better than the Bush Clan. And he’s definitely the lesser evil compared to McCain/Palin).

Answer #15


Answer #16

I did not vote or Obama. He campaigned for “change,” & the only thing he has changed thus far, is his mind. Repeatedly.. .

Answer #17

To clarify, he has done nothing but spend money, lots and lots of money. Mostly to ensure the American public stays on welfare and contiues to rely on the government. The war is still in full effect, though not talked about nearly enough. And the ONLY thing he had to do with killing Osama is give the final order and staying out of the way of our men and women on the ground in the middle east. I will never tell anyone they are wrong for their views, but please know what you are dealing with before you make a desicion.

Answer #18

The only truth I can find in all of this is “Republicans are at war with the federal government” Everything else, BS. We can debate it forever, the simple fact remains, More government means less people. This country was built by the people, for the people, why on earth should we allow anyone to regulate every aspect of our lives? If Obama had it his way we would pay every penny we make to a “fund” that would then be distrubuted how the government sees fit. Wealth redistribution. It even sounds evil and wrong. Bush did spend a lot of money, he also delt with two of the biggest tragedies this country has ever seen. Blame whoever you need to, I’m still waiting on this “change” I heard so much about. All I’ve seen is a lot of talk, When President Barack Obama took the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2009, the total federal debt held by the public stood at 6.3073 trillion, according to the Bureau of the Public Debt, a division of the U.S. Treasury Department. As of Aug. 20, 2010, after the first nineteen months of President Obama’s 48-month term, the total federal debt held by the public had grown to a total of $8.8333 trillion, an increase of $2.5260 trillion. http://funadvice.com/r/bm0n9gtor2o

I wonder how long us americans can put up with all the lies and deception. I did not and would not ever vote for Barak Obama. He is quite intelligent and a very good speaker, but he has no business leading this country anywhere.

Answer #19

Yes & Yes. i <3 Obama.

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