Will OBAMA do our country good???

What is OBAMA going to do to help our country?? OR will he even be able to help our country???

Answer #1

I think he can nurture it back to being a little better, but Bush has ruined a lot of things that COULD have been fixed but he drug them on a little too long I am happy that we no longer have a Republican in office anymore. (:

I’m hoping Obama will think about things through before he does them, Unlike Bush. We could possibly become an United Nation again.

Answer #2

I can say I don’t thing anyone knows he has good ideas but its if he can do it or not. I mean look at bush everybody thought he would be good and help the economy but I think he made it worse with more problems. But from obama’s attitude so far I can say he might

Answer #3


Answer #4

I hope so! OBAMA!

Answer #5

Could you explain to me what he can do to help this world??

Answer #6

No American should support policies that take this country in the direction of a Socialist State - too many have paid the ultimate price for our freedoms and way of life.

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