Answer #1

What of physics(hope i spelt that right )…coz that is and was the only one i had heard of…Seems even that now is being questioned tho.

Answer #2

They’re like,spiritual laws that connect all of us.THe Universal laws are like god,only,make more sense.

Answer #3

Hmmmmm….OK….errr….Ya got Dark Matter?We been guessing what thats all about for years,maybe it holds this spiritual thingy and thats where this god guy hangs out?an blackholes are just him pulling the plug from his bath.

Answer #4

HAve you heard of Quantum Entaglement?

Answer #5

I have heard of the theory but i would need to read some more about it before i said i know this or that about it. I am a builder with little education,i just read science magazines online every now and then and watch documenarys.

Answer #6

Several spiritual and pseudo-scientific groups claim to have discovered the universal laws that everything is based on. Scientists have been trying to develop a unified theory that ties together all the branches of science and explains all of our observed phenomena but if this is possible we are still a long way from discovering it.

Answer #7

i know most of the laws

Answer #8

no wonder your name is soul

Answer #9

If you are talking about the Universal laws of physics, I know 2 of them.

The First Law of thermodynamics: (The law of energy conservation) states that energy and matter cannot be created nor destroyed; only converted from one form to another.

You take a log and burn it, the matter (log) is converted into heat, light, water, carbon dioxide and ashes.

The second law of thermodynamics: (The law of energy decay) states that systems naturally go from a state of order to disorder. This can be expressed in 3 different ways.

The first is the classical: In a functioning system, the amount of energy available for useful work tends to decrease over time even though the total energy remains the same.

I like to think of a fallen tree in the woods; when it first falls it has its maximum amount of btu’s (available energy), then over time the wood becomes punky and wet as it begins to rot and there is less energy available for work because it takes more energy to evaporate off the additional water in order to extract the available btu’s.

The second is Statistical: Organized systems go from order to disorder.

Think of a stone foundation that when new has relatively straight tall walls and as it is left to deteriorate over time it starts to crumble and fall apart.

And third is informational: Information tends to go from complete to distorted or incomplete.

There are two ways to look at this one. First as sound waves are sent out into the cosmos, the distance between the wave crests and troughs slowly starts to increase until eventually there is so much distance between them the sound becomes distorted and hard to decipher.

Another way to look at it is to throw a cd on the ground; when first thrown there it can be picked back up and any information on it can be easily retrieved by putting it in a cd player. But the longer it lays there, the more scratches and gunk will accumulate on it making it harder to retrieve the information.

These are over simplifications, but allow you to easily grasp the concepts.

Answer #10

Dayuum. I knew the first one pretty well.But,what about the law of cause and effect/action and reaction.

Answer #11

The law of cause and effect (Causation) says that nothing can ever happen without having an initial cause. This is a little harder to grasp, I think, because of the implications. In theory, it says that no event can occur without being caused by another event, which in turn was caused by another event, etc. etc..

A pool player breaks a rack of balls and sinks 5 balls on the break. Those 5 balls DID NOT fall into the pockets because the player hit the rack of balls with the cue ball.

Each individual ball fell into its respective pocket because of a “CHAIN OF EVENTS” that occurred as a result of that initial break shot. All of the balls, including those that were not sunk, were released from the rack of balls by the kinetic energy that was released into the rack from the cue ball rolling across the table, which was caused by the kinetic energy built up in the cue stick, which was caused by the kinetic energy built up in the players arm, which was caused by the player playing the game of pool, which was caused by the player going to the pool hall, which was caused by etc., etc..

In addition to this each ball went into its respective pocket because of a series of ACTIONS AND REACTIONS. The right corner ball shoots directly into the corner pocket because of a series of events where energy from the cue ball is transferred to the first ball in the rack (action) and that ball then absorbs the energy and bumps into the next ball (reaction) which absorbs the energy (action) and bumps into the next ball (reaction) causing it to absorb energy and bump into the next ball all the way through the rack until the final reaction is the absorbed kinetic energy (if there is still enough left) causes the corner ball to roll across the table and fall into the pocket.

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