unbelievabe pain HELP ASAP!!

I have unbelievable back pain, its at my lower left back side not my as* tho just above it but at the back and I just got it like 10 mins ago and I am even shaken it is so sore I was crying and im praticly screaming right now I know I need to go to a doctor but in the mean time do you know wht it could be or anything about it please im begging im in pain so much, I dont know how to expain it ,can you help me? im in bed and cant even go tot he toiet and everytime I move a muscle the pain comes but I can lift myself a little bit but I scream the pain is so soreee

please help me

Answer #1

Heat always works.

Answer #2

or you may need an adjustment

Answer #3

You may have pulled a muscle…do you have a heating pad or hot water bottle?

Usually the real cure is time, but you can do a few things to help ease the pain in the meantime. Do you have any muscle relaxants?

Answer #4

It might be yout sciatic nerve - that can act up, and cause INCREDIBLE pain. If you have a heating pad (or just a hot washcloth or towel), applying that locally might help, though other people say ice!

Have a look at


Even if what you have might not be sciatic pain, the suggestions there are generally useful.

Good luck - and let me know what happens!

Answer #5

it could be a kidney stone. but I am not a doctor. If you are passing blood. get to the emergency room.

Answer #6

thancs too all of yous :-D im still in a great amount of pain and its been 3 hours later :-| I’ve actually been putting ice to numb it but im thinking a heat pad will work better now :-P ill get the heat pad and let you know if it gets beter you guys:) but it has got a lot better I can now stand up and walk around alittle but its still really hard sitting in chairs an having to get back up and bending over is quie hardtoo :-P but,

thank you xxx

Answer #7

Thank you for the feedback - but please DO get to the doctor and get an expert opinion!

(ps - I’ve always found that heat works best with me, for any kind of pain - I like to lie there and visualize how the blood vessels are opening up with the heat, and letting things flow freely, taking the pain along with them))

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