Is it true what they say about the Dulce Base in New Mexico?

Answer #1

I dont know but that would be scary o_O all those humanoids. Aliens and clones…. its real weird. Who really knows. There seem to be some guards and workers that came out and said things…but who knows

Answer #2

I believe the underground base does exist. But it’s purpose other then our own government creating a sustainable underground civilization, in the event of the worst case scenario and possibly some highly restricted scientific R & D going on as well. But aliens, reptoids, and our government of humans all working/living together down there is a stretch. As for cloning experimentation I wouldn’t put it past the CIA to create lifeforms that may be mistaken as ET’s but were created here.

Answer #3

Supposedly they have a nightmare hall where they experiment on people and mess with genetics( maximum ride much?) and other weird shiat that is too crazy to believe.

Answer #4

That would be crazy if it were, though wouldn’t be surprised… who knows what their doing down there… So curious!

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