How should i treat a foster child who lives with me?

My family is getting a foster child? Has anybody been throug the foster system? I need tips and advice on what to do.

Answer #1

With care and respect, I would hope…the simple fact that it’s a foster child means he/she hasn’t had an easy life.

Answer #2

agreed…best thing you can do is treat them as if they were your real sibling…you never know what awesome siblings they might be once a little comfortable in your presence & have gotten to know you better.

They may been through the toughest lives of all, and to reach out & be that older sibling might just be the thing to make them feel better.

Take into consideration that you have to be gentle…no quick movements/ try not to yell/ no scaring from behind….you never know what trauma they have been through.

I guess what I mean is take it slow…one day at a time…try to introduce your favorite band or music…if you play an instrument see if they like it as well…make them feel wanted…by being patient & understanding. If at first they seem shy, allow them to come to you when they feel safe enough, not by force!

I hope everything works out & commends your parents for taking a child in!

good luck!

Answer #3

My auntie fosters, she has a huge house and about 4 maybe 5 different kids even some with babies themselves. One of them tried to set their house on fire, some of them may steal or not come home or even get in trouble with the police but you need to be nice to them. If you’re worried about them nosing around in your room just ask your mum if you can get a lock on your door, without making it obvious why because that might upset them as theyre more than likely emotionally sensitive as it is. My mum was talking about fostering as the pay is stupidly amazing, just hope that you get a good kid and treat them as your family. Who knows they could be your new best mate!

Answer #4

When I went into foster care, all I really wanted to be treated like was as if I could rely on someone. Us foster kids just need someone to rely on and not make things awkward. After all, you are welcoming someone into your family so they become your family. Act normally and treat them with understanding. I haven’t met a foster kid who hasn’t come into our old home without a bad background.

Answer #5

so sorry to hear that you were in foster care…I guess we all as humans foster kids or regular kids at one point in time… just want to be around someone we can relay on…even when we grow up we still search for that one person who will treat us with mutual respect & love us unconditionally… I wish you & the whole world a happy life filled with laughter, and so much love…♥

by the way, I would love to hear your story if you feel comfortable talking about it in a fun mail…i will never judge you for anything…but I would love to hear your story. hugs♥

Answer #6

My brother was in foster care, the family he went to were so mean! They had different floors and he slept on the top on and if one of the mothers children tell taled on him she would turn the electrics off upstairs. They had a dirty smelly house aswel, if I ever saw that woman in my life (if I even remembered what she looked like) she would have a face full of fist. It is so important to have a caring family and blackbeltv3 it is partly your responsibilty to make it an easy reassuring experience for your foster bro/sis :)/

Answer #7

Like a brother or sister.

Answer #8

omg, how sad to hear that…I just dont understand how the state can award a child to a family like that?! Do they not check where the child sleeps have uncalled visits to check up on the child…dear god…:(

Is your brother with you now or still in foster care? :(

Answer #9

Just treat them like they are you brother or sister. They don’t need to be treated different just because the are a foster child!!

Answer #10

I know, oh my government have a lot to answer for believe me, I personally think we need to take one or one hundred leafs out of Americas book of ‘An idiots guide to ruling a country’. No he isnt anymore this was about 10 years ago, hes now in and out of prison now, which I partly blame the things he had to go through thanks to our Government and that woman who has the cheek to call herself human.

Answer #11

The same way you would treat your own siblings, with love, care, and respect. Some foster kids didn’t grow up like you did, they have had it rough.

Answer #12

I have been through it twice, the 2nd time I was treated like total sh*t, I wasn’t fed enough, I wore the same clothes every week (I only had 3 pairs of clothes). I was so cold one day, I actually wore my current pajama pants to school to keep warm, the foster mom got on me about it, made me cry, but it was a desperate way for myself to keep warm. It was the 2nd most roughest part of my life.

Answer #13

Did she get reported? I hope she isnt alowed to foster now, people like that make me sick.

Answer #14

I told my mom EVERYTHING she did to me and my sisters, and she did report it, but there was nothing done about it cause my now 9 year old sister was unable to speak clearly seeing she’s autistic, so they dropped the charges. She only took us in for the money. I was forced to go to a church I didn’t like nor fit in at all. She lives in Rialto, CA (from what I know).

Answer #15

Urg, it makes me sick to think of things like that. I had a woman that was was so drunk all the time, she forgot to feed me or get clothes and she’d scream at me if I asked for some dinner. Couldn’t make any myself, I was too young, I hope you’re now though? Xx

Answer #16

We were there for 3 crucial months that was supposed to be weeks. We have been home for a good 4 1/2 years now, and I hope we never have to go back. It was messed up cause she treated her son better than us, she bought my sisters “new” clothes from a fu*king thrift store, as well as their outside “play place.”

Answer #17

Like your own child, These are the children who have been through alot and just need to feel loved. Do the normal stuff you did when you were a kid, go to the movies, go for ice cream, or go skating to have alittle fun.

Also try not to ask a child about there past because it will just bring up bad memories

Answer #18

treat him/her with the way you treat your family. but you know at first it’ll be kinda awkward, so be nice, and see what you two have in common :D alriiiighttt!

Answer #19

With love. As everybody said,like your own sister or brother or like your own child,their life hasn’t been so easy,so they need more care and love at the same time. Don’t force them into things and allow them to do what they want to,advice them right and love them with all your heart. :)

Answer #20

I raised 2 biological children, 2 step-children, and 32 foster-boys. I treated each of the children exactly the same.

All the kids are grown now. A few of the foster-boys stay in touch, still call me “Dad” and I still treat them as my own children. In fact, I am going through an “adult adoption” with my 23-year-old son Matt, so he will have a legal next-of-kin. When that legal work is completed, I have another son wanting me to do it for him as well.

The way I see it, if God gives ‘em to you, it doesn’t matter whether it was through childbirth, or through the court system.

Answer #21

Like his family. Treat him with respect and like he/she is not wierd.

I know that when i went to a foster home that i was scared. I would not come out fo my room and i would not talk, i would not do anathing. I wans scared of the husband and i was scared the other kids there for going to make fun of me.

But the fmily was oery amazhing and i still have a perty good life here.

Treat them with kidness and let them know you are there for them and incourage he/she tocome out of their shell at first.

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