how can adoped child live with birth mother

ok my friend lost cosody of her 5 year old 10 years ago make the girl 15 1/2 right for the first time on friday the foster parents let her sleep over the birth mothers house and she just called my asking my opion on the mater… the girl want to stay with the birth mother their are asking what age can she choose on her own free will I told her 18 but she wants to know if their is any way possible that it could be sooner she girl is still their and I told them I well call back with a more accurete answer please help!

Answer #1

The foster parents cannot make this decision. If she was taken from her birth mother 10 years ago then there had to have been a reason in the first place for her birth mother to lose her. If Child protective services was the ones to take her tell her to call her case worker and request a hearing before a judge. She should of also been appointed an attorney (all kids must have one) tell her to ask the case worker for his or her number. Or her birth mother can file a petition to the court for them to return her to her mother. The foster parents can get in a ton of trouble if this visit was not arranged and approved by Child protective services. tell her good luck

Answer #2

I really dont like adopted parents unless the child was given up by the parent and not taken,I have two girls that went for adoption it was awfull I was pregnant at the time of my prosideings I kept my son but no matter how much I fought for them they still were placed can you answer that one cause im puzzled,its all a big money gimmic why cant adopted people except they cant have children and get an animal,they wont get no luck for what there doing…

Answer #3

My ex tricked me into signing my rights away to let his new wife adopt my daughter. Since then I have not been aloud to see her or talk to her..which I was lied to about to begin with. My daughter is almost 12 and is heartbroken that she cant see me or talk to me and her other siblings. I respect people that adopt children dont get me wrong but I was a part of my daughters life for 8 years then they took this from me so some people cant just be happy for a few years til they are 18. My daughter wants to be with me but im not sure there is much I can do. Im not by any means unfit as a mom. I have 2 boys that live with me and mean the world to me but my life is part empty without my daughter. In my situation I believe there should b a solution to getting my daughter back and I believe the child should be given an option whether they are adopted or sorry but what is in the best interest of the child is not always the case..

Answer #4

Also if she is adopted by this new family then unless she can prove her adoptive family unfit then there is really nothing she can do but then going that route might cause a ton of problems like being removed from her current home and having to live in a whole different foster home. She should just stay put unless there is abuse and or neglect in her current home. I adopted 2 kids and it would be extremely hurtful to me if my daughter wanted to live with her birth mom after I have loved and nourished her after 10 years. She should just be greatful that her adoptive mom is allowing the visits and just wait the 2 1/2 years out.

Answer #5

I think the only way is if the foster parents sign custody of the daughter to the birth mother, or you wait till she turns 18.

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