Transatlantic Tunnel

Did anyone watch the thing about that on the science channel? Apparently, that would be a faster way to travel overseas. I think the idea is larger then life, and hope to see it in built in my lifetime. Not really asking for “advice”, just thought this topic would stimulate interesting conversation.

For those who didn’t watch about it, and have no idea what I’m talking about. It is a tunnel under the ocean that goes across the Atlantic. Hence the name transatlantic O_o

Answer #1

Yea, the target idea is correct. However, it would be great to be able to go to europe in 45 minutes rather then, what is the plane time like 10 hours? You can’t beat that.

Answer #2

A lot of it was very science-fiction. It’d be fantastic if something of the sort did exist, but it doesn’t seem likely in the near future.

And I thought the whole “but what if… a submarine crashed into it?!” bit was hilariously bad.

Answer #3

yes I thought it was a very interesting idea. and the problems that such a large project present are many, especially with undersea life and shipping traffic and submarines having to be able to stay clear of it. it really would open up things between here and europe. but it would also become a very enticing target for terrorism. I think once it gets built- it will be pretty cool.

Answer #4

I like the idea however I dont think it would last in our current socity, I think it would be too big of a target. I do think its possable. I love extream enginering

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