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Tight tounge piercing?
I want to get my tounge pierced and how bad is the pain, swelling, and how much do you pay 4 it? and how do you take care of it? do you think I would look nice in one?
the amount varies where you go. mine was I think 60. theres places that have it close to 100. use mouthwash with alcohol. it will kill any bacteria. dont over clean it though or else it will have problems healing. and you wont really be able to see it anyways unless your playing with it all the time. so you cant really tell if you have it or not. I’ve had mine for so long I forget I have it.
If a tongue ring is something you want I say you should go for it! And if its something you want and have confidence in it then it’ll look great on you!!!
But I do warn you if you are going to get one make sure you research it. You want a legible place that knows what they’re doing and gaurentees steryl equipment. Do NOT go to a place just to same some dough. In the long run it wouldn’t be worth it. If they peirce your tongue wroong you can lose sense of taste and smell, shock the nerves so you can’t move your tongue (no more talking) and/or have a severe infection.
Pain will depend on the person. In can vary from a pinch to a very sevre pain as the tongue is a very sensitive area. If you generally react well with needles or other peircings you’ll be fine :D.
Like any peircing, cost will vary depending on where you go and the stud/ring you choose.
Swelling can last a couple weeks to months depending on your body’s reaction. Generally about one month. Considering this your going to want to buy a lot of easy to eat food: any drink, jello, pudding, ice cream, soda crackers, rice, mashed potatoes, animal crackers, etc. etc.
hope this helps -Jess
I don’t have a tongue piercing but I’ve done some research for you.
I’m sure someone else here will give you a pain rating of the piercing :P But I think that it will probably depend on your pain threshold. The swelling will occur 3-7 days afterwards and is said to be quite uncomfortable (not always). A tongue piercing usually takes 4-6 weeks to fully heal. It depends where you live and where you go but it should range somewhere around $60 (maybe more maybe less). The piercer should recommend either a non-alcoholic mouthwash or diluting a regular mouthwash, as the alcohol will irritate the piercing and slow healing. It is especially important not to play with the piercing during the healing period, because that will severely inhibit the proper healing of the hole.
I think it would really suit you but I have just noticed that you are 13? I believe that you my be too young right now and should maybe wait until you are a little bit older. Make sure you have your parent/guardian’s permission. I’m not sure what the legale tongue piercing age is in America but I’m pretty sure that it’s betweek 16-21.
It really does depend on your pain tolerance. But stellaapplemoor has the all of the correct facts. Mine didn’t hurt much at all, it feels like you bit your tongue, which happens right after you actually get it pierced. They should use a clamp, and that’s the worst part, the needle itself doesn’t hurt, just a pinch. The feeling of you biting your tongue, goes away within a few minutes. For me the swelling happened 2 days after I got it done, it’ll be uncomfortable of course like any piercing, and for me it bothered me to eat and drink even after it wasn’t supposed to–so be careful with that. I was concerned because of it, and I called the guy who did it for me, they are usually good about that so if you have any questions or concerns they’ll help you out. But make sure you go to a clean place, and get it done by someone who’s had enough experiences under their belt–a professional. I cleaned/clean mine with watered down mouth wash as well, but they should give you instructions. Make SURE you follow what they say, if it gets infected, it could get really nasty…you wouldn’t want that in your mouth lol. I paid $75, you can get your own jewelry…but I’d call and ask ahead of time which one they’re planning to use. When you get a piercing they almost always put a larger piece of jewelry needed, until it heals and you can change it. They want to make sure that when it swells, it doesn’t get too tight-it’s safer and worth the extra money.
And because you are under 18, you probably will need your parent/guardian’s permission, make sure you get it. I know where I am you can get a piercing when you are 16 without a parents permission, it might be where you are as well-I’m not sure.
Good luck, I love mine- and have no regrets about it.
they barley hurt at all the most painful for me was the nose it made my eyes water but toung is just a lil pinch I love my toung ring and u just wash your mouth out with listeren duluted with water and I think you wud look good in one. and mine costed $75 but usualy if you get your own jewlery its cheaper.
I have a tounge piercing, and when I got it done, it barely hurt. It only cost 25 for me, but I dont about where you will go. The swelling can really hurt swo I suggest dont eat solids, drink a lot of cold liquids and suck on ice. Also dont play with it untill its healed and make sure that the math wash you use is mixed with water and that it has no alcohol in it ! and after aboiut a month or so, it should be healed.
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