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Im on my period and my mom doesnt know. im affraid of how she will react. I have swimming at school for 2 more weeks and I need either a tampon or a note to swim or to get out of swimming. if I dont tel her I have to use a tampon and I dont know how to use one. and I dont want to bleed in the pool. I dont know what I should do? I wanna tell her but im scared too. WHAT SHOULD I DO?
Just tell your mom.Everyone had to.Yer mom is gonna know its gonna happen sooner or later.
Don’t be scared, you haven’t done anything wrong! I’m 23 but I still remember when I first got my period at 11 and what a big deal it was. It’s a part of life, don’t feel embarassed or scared. Your mother is supposed to know these things so she can give you advice. She was your age once, she knows what it’s like :)
I think you should tell your mom. It’s scary at first, yeah. But she’ll understand. I mean, she has been through this before.
Is this your first period? (Your profile says 13, so I’m assuming this is the case) If it is, you REALLY need to tell her. Or she may think you never started and that somethings wrong.
And like everyone else said, there are instructions in the tampon box.
u could ask for a note to be excused from swimming or you could tell your mom that you started and the tampon box will tell you how to use them.
either tell her or use a tampon. theyre easy to use. there should be instuctions in the box
thats wierd, why are you scared to ask her I dont get it, just tell her you got your period and she will give you a note, because you cant go in the pool.
ok I was the same way . but when I got it I just told her. it was easy. don’t stress . but you can always go with a friend to the store and buy tampons & pads. always start with regular tampons bc bigger ones will hurt. its very easy to put a tampon in . read the back of the box. that will help the most. but I strongly suggest you tell your mom. she will just go out and buy you things. its not hard I went thru it too.
forge the note. or tell your mum, what the hell, no offence but shes your MOTHER, she wants to know. when I got mine the first time my mum bought me a cake and a necklace haha to celebrate “becoming a woman” seriously though, dont be scared to tell your mum personal things like this
I agree, tell your mother she has had hers as well so she knows what its about. Tampons are easy to use, read instructions on the box and start with mini tampons, the smallest ones just to get comfortable with them.
are you scared because this is your first period. theres no reason 2 be scared 2 tell your mom about your period and im in the same situation and I told my momma 2 write me a note 4 swimming cause I know that you dont want 2 wear a tampon. so just tell her and she cant get mad cause thats part of life
dw hun your mum wont get angry. hahah there is nothing to get angry about! when I first told my mum she was jumping up and down with excitement saying im growing up! haha and thats what I was afraid of. im 13 and I use tampons they are fine and way better then pads, so much cleaner and its so gross with pads how you cna feel the blood in your pants. EH.
I think you should tell your mum. also you can actually go in the water without anything. the pressure in the water will stop the blood from coming out. so if you go in the water, from when you get out you wont start bleeding for another hour or so. you just need to hurry from the change rooms to the pool if you dnot want any blood on the bathers. maybe put a little liner in to make sure it doesn’t go on your bathers for the first couple minutes when you are outside of the pool. hope I helped
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