Are you suppose to flush tampons or throw them away?

Answer #1

Never ever flush tampons or pads! They don’t just fall apart like toilet paper does, they could block your pipes!

Answer #2

I always flush my tampons and I’ve never had any problems with any toilets. I think it’s icky to leave them in a trash, they stink!

Answer #3

I consider you extremely brave for posting this :O

Answer #4

I flush them. Eww, i don’t want to see bloody tampons in my trash can… just saying. :p

Answer #5


Answer #6

Lol, that’s just gross. And i haven’t ever had my toilet overflow either. Maybe if you have a super heavy flow and wear the biggest sized tampons it might…

Answer #7

dont flush it. and u dont have to see it all bloody. u can get get paper and place it on top of it when ur done putting it in the trash.

Answer #8

Hahaha yeah maybe. But I figure if toilets can handle all the sh!ts my dad takes then it can handle a tampon hahaha.

Answer #9

A plumber charged me $600 to clean out and then eventually replace the pump that pushes the water up to ground level (I forget what that pump is called, a sewer pump, I think). Anyway it was clogged with wet wipes and dental floss. He told me afterwards, no wipes, no floss, no paper towels, no tampons or pads.

And it’s pretty easy to wrap them in toilet paper and put them in the garbage.

Answer #10

I flush, so does everyone I know. Anyone who doesn’t is barbaric. lol

Answer #11

LOL, i just laughed out loud literally;p

Answer #12

I think most ladies flush em if they are on a city sewer system, but a private septic system it is a definate “no no”

Answer #13

Such a timely subject. Yesterday one of my tenant buildings (on the city sewer system) reported a flood in the basement. I sent a sewer cleaning company over there and they found tampons in the line between the building and the street, so the whole thing was backing up into the basement. There were tree roots involved too, but the tampons got stuck in the tree roots and formed a huge clump. Another nice big bill.

Answer #14

never ever flush a tampon or pad cuz der will be a very big mess o-o just throw them away

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