What are things I can do to stop waking up halfway through my sleep and wanting to eat?

Answer #1

I am staring at this question for such a long time… thinking of what might knock you off from wanting to eat in the mid of the night… no idea… but try this: Lock the fridge or lock the door of the kitchen and give the key to your daughter. Ask her to hide it ….

Answer #2

Sri’s idea might be a good idea. Chances are, this is just a bad habit you’ve picked up. If you can force yourself out of it, it’ll be a lot easier to stay out of it. I’d say try drinking a glass of water or milk before bed to fill your stomach a little, but that could just make you have to wake up and pee.

Answer #3

My mom actually has the habit of sleep-eating, at least you don’t have that lol.. keep a bottle of water by your bed and if you wake up drink some, because you could just be thirsty not hungry. Also get a sleep mask.. it’s easier to fall and stay asleep with less light in your eyes.

Answer #4

I will suggest you to do exercise i mean go for walk after you done with your dinner and then go to bed…your body will be so tired you wont be able to wake up in the middle of sleep…and if you feel you are hungry after walking eat something and then go for sleep.

Answer #5

If you are waking up in the middle of your sleep, it means that you aren’t getting the right amount of food in your body during the day. If you do eat at least three times a day, then what you eat is important. Make sure the food you digest has enough energy to keep you active through the day. You could also be not getting enough calories for the day. What you can do is have 5-6 small meals daily and eat just enough to quench your hunger. I suffest you have a piece of fruit if you feel you have to. Or sugarfree lollies. If there is a specific thing that you enjoy eating in the middle of the night such as junk, store them in a high place. You wont have the energy to climb a step ladder and bring them down just after you’ve woken up.

Answer #6

Thank you and lol….

Answer #7

I actually workout twice a day, once in the morn and then again around 9pm

Answer #8

Yeah I know sweetie, not an easy question to answer, but u have a good answer

Answer #9

Interesting, ok thx

Answer #10

Well its weird I won’t go for junk food, its like maybe a peanut butter sandwich, or an apple or banana

Answer #11

if it so u sud walk more than u usual do or try to do some other exercise tooo

Answer #12

Whenever you first started waking up and eating, you created a new cycle. Now your body just automatically adjusted to it. You need to stop yourself from eating, even if you wake up don’t grab food. And in a couple weeks ur body will adjust to this new cycle and you won’t be hungry in the middle of the night anymore. I know I dealt with the same situation and could see myself gaining weight, cause that’s the worst time to eat cause ur not active afterwards. Hope this helps.

Answer #13

Ok thx so much

Answer #14

This suggestion is good because it lets you satisfy your craving in a way that has several advantages over eating: You won’t take in the extra calories; you won’t be eating when you’re digestion is shut down; and it may be easier to fall back asleep because a) you won’t be stimulating your digestive juices to start churning and b) you won’t be disrupts your sleep cycle further by getting out of bed and walking around.

If you keep a thermos of hot milk by your bed to use instead of water, it might help you fall back asleep.

@cassie Noooo that’s exactly wrong lol. Do NOT drink or eat before bed. Drinking, as you said, will wake you up to pee. Eating will turn on your digestive system, thus making your sleep lighter and stimulating your stomach to want more. Let your stomach’s bed time be a couple hours earlier than yours, so it’s all settled down for the night.

And don’t forget to pee before bedtime! :)

Answer #15

Good pts Hayyim thx

Answer #16

Thank you, Tammy. :-)

Answer #17

Ur very welcone :-)

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