How can I stop my German Shepard/Husky from chewing on my house and doors?

Answer #1

Is he teething? They do it most at that age and if u don’t correct it by providing it something that it’s ok to chew, they learn to do it as a normal thing for a long time. A chew of imitation hide or chew toy is fine. Try to make it their favourite by throwing it for them so they get fun even if they just chew it. If you leave it on its own when you’re out, it’ll tend to chew out of boredom, so leave something it can chew on like a kong toy with paste. Big dogs need more exrecise than running round the yard, and will also chew if they don’t get enough. Remem your dog looks to you to teach it what’s expected in your ‘pack’, and you can teach it things you do regularly without meaning to. They watch you all the time, if you’re not there to correct an unwanted behaviour, they tend to learn that it’s an ok thing to do.

Answer #2

I had to keep my German Shepherd in a crate for 2 years while I wasn’t home. Eventually, she learned what were acceptable chewable toys. Needless to say, she chew through everything from box spring mattresses to remote controls when I wasn’t looking during the training phase. Good luck.

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