Can I switch her from soy formula right to milk?

My 11month old is still on soy formula, can I give her whole milk now, or do I have to give her soy milk??

Answer #1

You never give a child any milk (cows goats or whatever) before 1 year! Some parents wait longer. Because she is on SOY you may want to give her whole fat Soy milk! It is available! Humans are not meant to digest lactose sugar after weaning anyways. If you are giving her cows milk switch slowly or she could get a tummy ache and it’ll be a while before you hear the end of it! Definetly call your pediatrician and see what the good doc has to say. Either way DR will discuss it with you at her one year checkup before the shots! My son is 7 months old. My mother gave me cows milk at just a few weeks old up until, well, forever. She never did understand why I was colicy! I’m choc full of baby info so ask away!

Answer #2

my son was on soy formula and when we switched him to whole milk we mixed his bottle half soy half whole for about 3 weeks to help his belly ajust, he did fine

Answer #3

From what I remember, you can give a baby whole milk after six months…however, I’d recommend you double check with your pediatrician to be sure.

The reason some people use soy milk is that some babies are more lactose intolerant than others, and whole milk gives them gas, upset stomach, etc. And it makes their diapers smell even worse.

Answer #4

I wouldnt I would slowly add milk and take away the soy slowly so its stomech can ajust

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