Someone tried to kill Obama?

Did someone really try 2 kill Obama??

Answer #1

Child please!!! No, just becase he’s african american they dont want him in office… You know we NEVER had a black president!!!

Answer #2

and by listin all those things are you insinuating that my people are incapable of doing these things!!!? dats really fuc×ed up bruh!!!

Answer #3

what I sed does show pride in my culture. chicano means hispanic. and the part about every one not bein able 2 say it so I shouldnt…y would they…not every one is black, cuban, and puerto rican. or any other hispanic culture for that matter…so why would they? so dont judge me 4 the way I show pride porque im not going 2 be a statistic. I will lead da wonderful life you described and not just because you told me 2 that was already da plan. dont you EVER tell me how 2 live ma life again

Answer #4

anamoly, do you think because I recognize that society really dosent give a damn about my people that I just sit bac and watch. no. if you want to play that card ok ill play. I canvased the city of atlanta making sure that people got out and voted,I drove people 2 the polls that didnt have a way 2 get there I helped dissabled and elderly people vote. the list goes on. and where do you get off callin me racist for takin pride in my herratige. no smart person of color would just sit bac and watch racial injustice take place

Answer #5

obviously you other people are white and livin in some fantasy land. I whole heartedly agree wit jarvis. had the tables been turned it would of been in the news 4 months on end. and what tha h3ll do you mean we live in a non prejudice judicial system. the country is trying 2 keep all the minorities off these racist @ss yall are stupid as hell. black power. chicano pride

Answer #6


DENVER ? Police have arrested three people they believe are linked to a white supremacy group in connection with a threat to possibly assassinate Sen. Barack Obama during the Democratic National Convention.

NBC News has learned that federal officials are downplaying the arrests, saying when one of the men was arrested, he made a threat against Obama, but they do not believe it was based on any kind of plan or actually intent.

“It looks like one guy just made a remark trying to act important,” one federal official told NBC News.

However, other sources have told 9NEWS the three men may be connected to skinheads and that it appears they were involved in an assassination plot.

Aurora Police arrested the first man, 28-year-old Tharin Gartrell of Centennial, early Sunday morning after a routine traffic stop. During the traffic stop, officers found two rifles, boxes of ammunition, one rifle scope, a bullet proof vest, walkie-talkies and methamphetamines. Gartrell is being held in the Arapahoe County jail in lieu of $50,000 bond and has a felony criminal record.

Aurora Police say a second man, 32-year-old Nathan Johnson, was arrested at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday morning at a hotel near Interstate 25 and Belleview Avenue. He is being held by Denver Police.

A third man, 33-year-old Shawn Adolf of Greeley, was arrested at Cherry Creek Hotel in Glendale on Monday. NBC News reports that when police knocked on his hotel door, Adolf jumped out a sixth floor window. He landed on an awning and then jumped down to the ground, injuring himself. He ran into nearby bushes where officers apprehended him. Authorities say he had weapons.

He was taken to Denver Health Medical Center where he was treated.

Answer #7

Jarvis- Have you ever noticed that when someone brings Mr Obama’s character into question, he has too much class and logic as to play into it. he answers, then moves on to more important issues. I don’t think he’d like us to give fools power by giving them the attention they so desperately seek.

They’re are all kinds of people that don’t like our new President-elect and I suggest they deal with it. If he died at their hands, he would become a martyr and they would become public enemy number one. A martyr would bring notice to the ugly side of prejudice. Either way, they’ve lost, we win-

Peace and all good things.

Answer #8

hell ya I think they did they was skin heads with guns making coments they ment

Answer #9

Jarvis, you are obviously a prejudiced person. Though I am an Obama supporter, you bring us a bad name. Many people have threatened to kill senators, presidents, and other elected officials throughout the years, some of them African American, and some of them not. Race is not a matter when you threaten someones life. Our judicial system does not work on racism and prejudice. Please think about what you write before you write it.

Answer #10


Answer #11

no I think they tried tokillhim hell they was skin heads and had guns.

Answer #12


DENVER ? Police have arrested three people they believe are linked to a white supremacy group in connection with a threat to possibly assassinate Sen. Barack Obama during the Democratic National Convention.

NBC News has learned that federal officials are downplaying the arrests, saying when one of the men was arrested, he made a threat against Obama, but they do not believe it was based on any kind of plan or actually intent.

“It looks like one guy just made a remark trying to act important,” one federal official told NBC News.

However, other sources have told 9NEWS the three men may be connected to skinheads and that it appears they were involved in an assassination plot.

Aurora Police arrested the first man, 28-year-old Tharin Gartrell of Centennial, early Sunday morning after a routine traffic stop. During the traffic stop, officers found two rifles, boxes of ammunition, one rifle scope, a bullet proof vest, walkie-talkies and methamphetamines. Gartrell is being held in the Arapahoe County jail in lieu of $50,000 bond and has a felony criminal record.

Aurora Police say a second man, 32-year-old Nathan Johnson, was arrested at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday morning at a hotel near Interstate 25 and Belleview Avenue. He is being held by Denver Police.

A third man, 33-year-old Shawn Adolf of Greeley, was arrested at Cherry Creek Hotel in Glendale on Monday. NBC News reports that when police knocked on his hotel door, Adolf jumped out a sixth floor window. He landed on an awning and then jumped down to the ground, injuring himself. He ran into nearby bushes where officers apprehended him. Authorities say he had weapons.

He was taken to Denver Health Medical Center where he was treated.

Answer #13

datbol cuba693,

“off these racist @ss yall are stupid as hell. black power. chicano pride”

And YOU can’t believe I would call you a racist, but, it’s okay to speak to me in that way? Let me ask you a question here, how is saying the words, “black power” or “chicano pride” in any way, taking pride in your heritage? There are many many ways to take pride in your heritage, and that, is not the way. Those are words. Now, unless all races, can say these things, without being offensive, then we should shelve it, for another lifetime, because they are no use in this one. You want to use words? Good. Keep in school, go to college, bring your parents back a college diploma that they can be proud of their son for. That would show pride. Have a family, take care of your kids, show them a good life. That is pride.

Saying, black power and chicano pride, is really insignificant in the realm of things isn’t it? Did it get Mr Obama elected? No. His education was a great start though. Then his family (which I must say, they must be the coolest first family in the history of this country-they actually love each other!). Then us. We got him elected, and not because we said things like, “black power.” That doesn’t help. Just words.

I saw your profile, and, you are young. That is good. So, do the right things and you can go so far it’s unbelievable. I have seen move prejudice than most, but, I don’t usually vocalize it in the way you are saying. It helps to try to be smart about things. I can let myself be held back, by chanting all the wrongs done to me in my time, or, I can do well in life, and leave the ugliness behind with the people that were ignorant enough to buy into it. Do not get me wrong, I’ve always thought, that if you don’t demand respect in this world, you don’t get it. And I demand it. Always. But, there are always ways to do things, in which you can accomplish far more-

Take care and God bless-

Answer #14

6datbol cuba693,

Actually, I am most definitely, not a “bruh”. I am a woman, probably the age of your Mother. Now, do not accuse me of speaking against “your people”, when we are all of the same race? I do not make a habit of insulting myself. Now, since you don’t know my race, and you’ve tried to guess, but were wrong, that’s okay. I don’t like labels. We are of the human race, and that is all you or I need to know. I haven’t asked your race. It’s not relevant right now.

When I said, others can not say black power, etc, I meant, that when white people say, white power, it always, without a doubt means, white supremacy. White supremacy is insulting to all races, therefore, I find those sayings by anyone, something that holds them back in life. It won’t hurt me if you want to say, “black power” or “white power”, it in the end, hurts yourself. I chose not to give race supremacy any kind of power. We are all the same.

I said before, I have endured racism that is beneath a human level. I was treated sub human, but I rise above those things, or try to. Have you heard the poem, “Still I rise” by Maya Angelou? It’s a keeper and good to live by. I insinuate nothing. But, right now, I tried to share something with you. You got angry for no reason, which is not my problem. If you don’t want to know something, that’s on you. Knowledge is power as they say. I choose to learn from whoever I can. You do as you please.

You are so full of anger. What makes you think I tried to tell you how to live your life? I was nice enough to share a thought with you. Trust me when I say, that will never,ever happen again. I decided to spend a little time, which I don’t have a lot of, to talk with you, not at you. I just had a feeling about you, a feeling that perhaps, you weren’t the angry uncaring person you were coming off, as. I suppose, once more, I was wrong. I’m a Christian and try to extend myself.

You want to be rude to others that are nice to you? I am so finished. I’ve got better things to do in my life, believe me.

Answer #15

Jarvis, you are obviously a prejudiced person. Though I am an Obama supporter, you bring us a bad name. Many people have threatened to kill senators, presidents, and other elected officials throughout the years, some of them African American, and some of them not. Race is not a matter when you threaten someones life. Our judicial system does not work on racism and prejudice. Please think about what you write before you write it.

Answer #16

oohhh… :)

Answer #17

It was on the news dis morning…

Answer #18

wut? I’ve nvr heard that before

Answer #19

Jarvis- Have you ever noticed that when someone brings Mr Obama’s character into question, he has too much class and logic as to play into it. he answers, then moves on to more important issues. I don’t think he’d like us to give fools power by giving them the attention they so desperately seek.

They’re are all kinds of people that don’t like our new President-elect and I suggest they deal with it. If he died at their hands, he would become a martyr and they would become public enemy number one. A martyr would bring notice to the ugly side of prejudice. Either way, they’ve lost, we win-

Peace and all good things.

Answer #20

Hey 6datboi cuba6,

You are the racist AND the problem. “black power” “chicano pride”. White power is a term of prejudice and so is that. You are the problem, because you do nothing except call people names. You do nothing, but, sit back, watch tv, then whenever something happens regarding race, you yell, “racists”. Do something about it. I wanted Mr Obama elected. I worked the phone banks, every day, then I donated what money I could, I past out literature, etc. I did what I could. What do you do except assume I’m white? I am in the human race. The race issue is a problem with you, not me.

Answer #21

no I think they tried tokillhim hell they was skin heads and had guns.

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