How do you know when you slip into depression?

Answer #1

You cry all the time, you dont want to see anyone and fall out of hobbies and youll start going off of food cause you cant see anything positive about yourself

Answer #2

Just down all the time, dont want to hang out with people, shutting others out, thinking negatively. There really is no way to tell without a doctors diagnosis. Everyone gets depressed, some episodes can last for long periods of time, other episodes can last 30 minutes. A lot of teens go through it due to puberty and changing bodies ect. If you really want to know, then ask a doctor. dont be afraid to asks your parents to bring you, if you need help get it.

Answer #3

You will only be 100% sure if you see your doctor, and they can do a real medical test on you….Anyway some symptoms are… difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions decreased energy feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness restlessness loss of interest in activities overeating or appetite loss persistent aches or pains persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” feelings thoughts of su!cide….If you have any of these you might wanna see you doctor….Hope I Helped and Good Luck!

Answer #4

some times you want to die

Answer #5

To tell you the truth, only a profecional can tell you if you are or not. You can be sad all the time sometimes and meaby loose your appetite just because sometimes people go trough phrases that are just tough. Depression ussually includes sadness for no apearant reason, no energy to do anathing, you don’t want to eat, you might even get toughts of killing yourself and stuff, it all depends on how and why you are depressed. Best thing to do, if you think you are depressed is to go to a therapist and have him/her see if you do or you don’t, or to see if you do need some kind of other help.

Answer #6

you cry a lot. you cant even hide your feelings in public, no matter how hard you try, if someone asks whats wrong you almost start crying. everything upsets you. even just thinking about something slightly bad you did can upset you. you feel absolutely crappy and like life is so not worth it. when people tell you things will be ok, its impossible to believe them. even if something good happens, the happiness lasts about 5 seconds. things like that. well idk thats what i see in myself that i can tell. good luck and if you need someone to talk to just funmail me.

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