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I think someone else posted…..”If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”……On that basis.. No comment… on those running and what they stand for.
Okay, the 2012 presidential election…
Nicholas Sarkozy will re-candidate. He is the current President. Party is UMP (Union pour un Mouvement Populaire). I think his politics is to be Ms Angela Merkels poodle. He will make Carla Bruni pregnant again. And he will outlaw bad wine. He will disallow any women from wearing Burkas or Niqabs in public places in France, unless the woman wearing weighs between 90 and 200 pounds and the full-face cover is combined with a publicly displayed mini-skirt and slutty boots.
François Hollande is the candidate for the PS, (Parti Socialiste). He’s going to make the Euro-crisis more social by reducing the prices of baguette. And he will support all strikes in France as well as Greece and everywhere else. He also wants people to work no more than 32.5 hours a week, as the current 37.5 hours per week work times are inhuman. He will outlaw bad wine.
Marie Le Pen is the candidate for the FN (Front National). She will build a wall around France and re-introduce the Franc instead of the Euro. She will outlaw bad wine. She will also outlaw people to be “strange and different” and people with a permanent habitation in France will be forbidden to speak French badly with a foreign accent. Tourists may still speak French with bad accents. But only if they are rich.
Candidates for less significant parties are:
Eva Joly for the French Green Party. François Bayrou for MoDem (Mouvement démocrate) Dominique de Villepin for RS (République solidaire) Nicolas Dupont-Aignan DLR (Debout la République) Hervé Morin is candidate for NC (Nouveau Centre) Philippe Poutou for NPA (Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste)
The PCF (Parti communiste français) has not announced a candidate yet.
I don’t understand the part about how Sarkozy will allow women to wear Burkas or Niqabs with certain conditions. Can you post a photo of yourself to demonstrate what you mean? {=^)
Ron Paul, whose political views I find adolescent (not in the good sense), is the only one who seems to have mastered the difficult art of standing and running at the same time.
I am sorry, I do not own a Niqab, nor a Burka. But… Watch this: http://funadvice.com/r/bonhfo4vugn
Btw, the ladies are students and did that video after wearing the full-face cover in and in around public buildings was outlawed in France. The Video became quite popular in France. Nicholas Sarkozy said in an Interview that even though he disapproves the wearing of full-face cover dresses in public, he approves this special way to wear them.
Oh, really? Cool!!! We have Angela Merkel who as mastered the incredible art of tilting over when she is are already lying flat on the ground. If we crossbreed them, we might make a politician who can crawl up his own behind.
Imagine my complete shock… Shuttering the Federal Reserve and returning to sound money is about as adolescent as is lancing a festering boil. Ending unconstitutional wars costing Americans billions of dollars we don’t have while we consider austerity measures is juvenile only to those groups who directly benefit from them. Statist progressives and neocons can only hurl pejoratives at the man, in an attempt to maintain their lofty status on the status quo totem pole. The reason Ron Paul’s platform resonates with the American people is because we are done with the status quo.
Wow Hayyim, I can’t believe you think that. Ron Paul is a libertarian who believes in personal freedom, less government intervention, he is completely against spending money on war, he does not appreciate the interference of the Federal Reserve, he does not believe in printing “money”(inflation, hyperinflation, the bailouts,), so how is that adolescent? Are you suggesting his views are idealistic?
Ron Paul’s platform… the only one you need to know:
Shuttering the Federal Reserve and returning to representative money.
Ending the wars of aggression and expansion for the bankers and oil companies across the middle east. Recalling troops.
Rescinding the Federal Income Tax. We’ve had it since the Federal Reserve thrust us into debt… we don’t need it.
Reining in the executive. Pulling the plug on the countless bureaucratic power grabs sanctioned by the executive which saddled us with those naked scanners at the airport and night time raids on Amish dairy farms who had the audacity to try to sell wholesome raw milk.
Decriminalizing illicit dr#gs. Prohibition has failed.
Ron Paul is the thorn in the side of the statists… so now every single statist who likes to masquerade as conservative… radical… libertarian… are having to show their spots and come out against the same stances they pretend to champion… though none I know of on this post ;) If you are happy with the way the country is now and the direction it is going… vote for anyone else.
Sounds way too European. Did you secretly steal that Mr. Ron Paul from the Netherlands? Whatever. If he really gets elected, and actually, really starts to change things, I fear some “mentally ill single delinquent” with a “distorted and radical world view” will have to shoot him. Just like they, whoops, I mean he, shot Kennedy.
He has a real shot of being elected this year. This fact has the statists up in arms and leveling every manner of accusations at him. Americans want to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Most of us now realize that these wars were waged not in our best interests… but to secure resources for the oil oligarchs and for the benefit of war contractors and bankers. Our dollar has plunged while we scramble to bankroll these endless wars. We don’t wish to be isolationist… but we do wish to employ diplomatic resolutions that are in the best interests of the proletariat across the globe. The statists are drumming up a brand new war with Iran. They call Ron Paul crazy for suggesting that this may be rash. It will definitely precipitate higher fuel costs around the globe. It will definitely inflate the US dollar that much further. It is a rehash of the lies that got us into Iraq. Americans are waking up to these tricks and this is where Ron Paul is finding his demographic. The status quo is in trouble… thus the relentless smear campaign.
Of course Obama will get the democrats nomination, we still do not know who the Republicans are going to have as their candidate, but it looks like it will be ether Rick Santorum, Mit Romney, or ron Paul. i think Ron Paul would be the best choice because it is a huge break from the norm. the republicans and democrats are basically the same party anymore. that is my opinion though. :)
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