What do I do after losing my Grandpa?

my grandad died yesterday. just typing that I start crying.. jesus. I miss him so much, and havent stopped crying since he was the most amazing man, always so kind and made jokes when he was in hospital, spent allot of time there but died at home . he had cancer in about every part of his body.

I saw him yesterday after school straight away with my mum,dad,and sister. he looked awful. my sister ran out crying just after she saw him. he couldnt open his eyes, surving off an oxygen machine. I held his hand and kissed his cheek, and my nan kept telling him “its alix, alix is here for you” and I saw a little smile appear. it made me cry.

my sister is one of them that crys, and talks about her feelings quite openly with people she loves. I dont talk aboutthem with anyone. not my family, CLOSEST friends, anyone. I just write them down. I havent cried in front of anyone (apart from going into school today, I hugged my bestestest friend.) and I’m scared they think I don’t care he’s gone.. or he didnt really mean anything to me. but I havent STOPPED crying or thinking about him. I feel so bad about not showing any emotion.. but I dont like to. what should I do?

RIP Grandad. I love you xx

Answer #1

sorry for your loss:(… my gran passed awai about 3 years ago to brain cancer and me and my gran were really close , she was like a mum to me. Im not really a person that shows my emotions to people.. I hide them away which I found out does not help. You should talk to someone you trust about how your feeling and when you feel like you want to cry or let it all out you should… its really not good for you to bottle it all up. it will be hard at first but time is a great healer and eventrally you wont be thinking about all the bad memorys you have before they died.. you will be thinking about all the good and funny times you spent together which will make you smile instead of cry. You wont ever forget the pain but you will learn to live with it and it will get easyier :). xox

Answer #2

my aunt died years ago… that was hard to take, but after a while you just get over it, it stops hurting as much.

I think the people im most scared to lose are my grandparents, they have always been there… and they are both in their 70s I know that they could go anytime

its still gunna be a shock when they go, but I dont think about it much

sorry for your loss

Answer #3

So sorry for your loss - hope this helps you: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/grief_loss.htm

If you need someone to just listen, just talk to, or pray with you:

24 hrs: 1-800-488-4673

God Bless !!

Answer #4

omg. I am sooo sorry for u! my grapa died too, I know how you feel. just express your feelings, because if not then you will regret it and always feel bottled up inside!

Answer #5

sometimes its better just to let it all out, but you know you loved him and it really doesnt matter if your friends think so or not. you do what you feel is right

Answer #6

omg I know how you guys all feel because my grandpa died about 2 weeks ago I miss him so much he lived with me to he was like the best since my dad had to go to work and my mom he woke up and took me to school he was the best granpa ever I loved him so much. I love you forever grandpa. just let it out or whenever you feel like you need him go to his cemetary and talk to him thats what I do I still cry everyday I miss him like so much

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