How do I resign?

I am going to quit my current job, I’ve been there over two years yet I have not had a single raise yet I know people who have been there a much shorter time have. It is not that I am not a good worker, in fact, I happen to be one of the best there. I had talked to them about getting a raise several times but to no avail. I’ve gotten a ‘yes’ but it never happened. In addition there is now a new policy regarding hours that I’d much rather not have to deal with.

I know I have to hand in a letter of resignation two weeks prior, but do I need to talk to my manager/boss? If so what do I say? Also, any tips in writing the letter of resignation? Do I need to state a reason? Do I need to say it to my boss?

I’ve never left a job before so I’m kind of nervous haha, I’ve only been doing volunteer work up til this job.

Answer #1

Quitting a job is always awkward. In most vocations 2 weeks notice is customary though sometimes people give longer as a courtesy and other times they give shorter if they know work will be Hell after they give notice. Type up a formal business letter thanking them for the position and saying that you will always value the time you worked there but that you have decided to seek opportunities elsewhere and when your final day will be. Do not use your resignation as an opportunity to complain or vent. Future employers will talk to your employer and if you leave on bad terms they probably won’t have kind words to say about you.

Answer #2

What should I actually say to her when I hand it in?

Answer #3

Ask to talk to your boss in private. Say some nice things about your job but explain that it is time for you to try something new. If you boss demands to know where you will be working than just say that you are pursuing opportunities elsewhere. Sometimes bosses will contact your future employer and cause problems and it really isn’t any of their business. Quitting is awkward for both of you but try to remain calm, pleasant, and professional.

Answer #4

Thank you! :) I will deefinitely do all that.

Answer #5

They may actually act on that ‘yes’ now…

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