Reincarnation - Does it Exist?

Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, please explain why.

Answer #1

thnx ppls

Answer #2

yes I do bealieve in this but im still trying to figure out why lol

Answer #3

Not likely. I don’t think that you can survive your own death.

Answer #4

ashleykp1818 I believe that when you die you are reincarnated. but it works in a weird way …*

So what your saying is…you really dono how it work, but you know it is happening and TRUE for you??? Sounds very familiar, almost like religions

Answer #5


Answer #6

I kind of believe that. I also believe in god, tho! it just all really depends on your religion and what you truly believe in, honey!

Answer #7

I believe that when you die you are reincarnated. but it works in a weird way *if you live a good life then you will be reincarnated into something better. like if your an ant that lived a good life.. I don’t know how an ant would but whatever.. then you will be born into something better. like a bird. and if you keep living good lives then each time you will be reincarnated into something better

  • if you llive a bad life then you will either A) stay what you are untill you live a good enough life to move on or B) when you are reincarnated it will be reborn into something of a lower level.

thats just my belief of it.


Answer #8

no I beleive in it, not exactly but I beleive its better than thinking youll go to heaven or going to hell does it exist, no one has the answer to that question but youll find out when you die unfortuanly, you wont be able to tell anyone about it though

Answer #9

I think it exsists…I guess theirs no real proof, but there are many people who have memories of a past life and some are just children who dont even understand the concept yet, but I believe in it.

Answer #10

I dont belive in it at all. I think once you die, your dead! its as simple s that. also I dont belive caz it just bothers me, like I could b someone reincarnated, and not remember MY past life, like I lived before. creepy, and farfetched.

Answer #11

I believe it may exist, but I’m not wasting time in this body planning my adventures as a sea monkey. I’m just going to be a good person in the life I live now and whatever happens after I die, happens.

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