Reincarnated as a pladapus or flying squirrel??

Would you rather die and be reincarnated to a…

—pladapus((how do you spell that??)) or —a flying squirrel((they are real believe it or not))

…I would be a flying squirrel cause I could jump from tree to tree and soar around a bit..

What the hell would you do if your a pladapus anyways??do they even quack??


Answer #1

Flying Squirrel!

I want to Fly!

Answer #2

A flying squirrel hands down.

Answer #3

the pladapus(sp?) I’ld like to swim around …then again I’ld rather the squirl you wouldn’t be confined to just one watery location

Answer #4

… platapus… I know people that eat squirrels… but I have never heard of anyone frying up a platapus!

Answer #5

Well im australian so platapus for sure.

Answer #6

flying squirrel most definitely!! :]

Answer #7

Flying squirrels don’t really fly. They just fall, with style.

Sign me up to be a platypus.

Answer #8

flying squirral - I could fly and play with nuts all day (lmao chucle chuckle, couldn’t reisst - sorry!!)

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