What are the real causes of religious conflicts?

Answer #1

They all say “we’re right and you’re wrong…”….:) At least, all of the judeo christian religions….and, they steal the same book from each other, rewrite the story, etc.

Wouldn’t it upset you if somebody rewrote your family tree and said that some guy wasn’t a hero, but a villain?

Answer #2

They want to get the most followers :O

Answer #3

by claiming that they are the best and the most right. They own the heaven. lol

Answer #4

religion is man made therefor is wrong i believe. it causes wars and conflicts. its evil. God is in ur heart. U dont have to be a certain religion to walk with God. Just read the bible and study about him daily. Be a friend to Jesus. just like Jeremy said. people want to put there beliefs out there and a lot dis agree about it. its silly. God is in here <3

Answer #5

Tis there be a simple disagreement. people just believe different things or want to be right or make up things to exalt themselves.

Answer #6

Who introduced God to you/ how did you know God/? just asking.

Answer #7

wow! wonderful explanation

Answer #8

well i no God bcuz my grandma used to read the bible to me. i attended church. church is just to understand the bible better. i dont have to follow all the religions rules. as i got older i didnt even go to church bcuz i can understand better now. i dont need it explained most of the time and if i do i just google it and see other opinions and go with wat i believe.

Answer #9

i have my own thoughts now and i believe that religion is wrong. i believe in the bible and listening to God as i read it everyday. He works therough peoples hearts and i just listen. i am probly wrong about a lot of stuff. but wat i believe is if u truely believe that Jesus is ur savior and u build a REAl relationship with him and learn about God everyday, read the bible, repent ur sins, and truely try to be “good” then u r walking with God. People can say they r and they go to church but they do not know Jesus. They do it bcuz its wats rite instead of doin it bcuz they want to.

Answer #10

The unknown. No reason for conflict if we all know. But because beliefs are just that “beliefs”, we tend to debate, have conflicts, fight, and even start wars over who’s GOD is better. Its kinda like parting a fight between two 5yr old children because they are both fighting over the blue cup. Somehow the blue cup makes them feel better about the water that is inside.The same water that would be in the yellow or pink cup. I personally prefer the clear cup. lol.

Answer #11

I am the dead president and you are my disciple.

Answer #12


Answer #13

Religious belief itself. If people would stop believing in such unprovable concepts as deities and the supernatural, the world would be a much more peaceful place.

Answer #14

Thats funny your accusing christianity for what your doing. Your right and christians are wrong.

Answer #15


Answer #16

tseirpeht, I have never heard of a war being waged in the name of NOT believing in god or jesus.

Answer #17

Beliefs being just that, beliefs, unable to be proven or disproven and the close minded zealots who have to be “right”. Anyone who apposes their belief in the slightest is “wrong”. Some will even go as far as to distort facts and mar history in hopes other people will see them as right.

I doubt we’ld have as much trouble with religious belief if people just lived and let live(like it says in Quran, but you don’t see the extremest doing that) rather than shoving it down one’s throat, then the world would probably be a better place.

I suppose it’s a need for people to get more people to believe in order to strengthen their own belief. The more people they get to believe, the more “real” it must be.

Answer #18

And faith could be a fragile thing, anyone who apposes their reality must be shot down and disproven to maintain faith in their reality

Answer #19

…tell me the Christians didn’t get the old testament from the Jews and I’ll gladly shut it :)

Answer #20

what i was referring to was from mr. Jeremy Goodrich……. religious conflicts are usually the results from dispute between who is right for wrong. Presidents or religious leaders are usually the ones that lead their country, just because other country’s don’t oblige to their ideals, they are portrayed as unrighteous. therefore the true god to which whom believes is the creator of all. he sits and wait while the world debates in his name.

Answer #21

The lord is my shepard……..amen

Answer #22

oh ok i see now. hehe

Answer #23


Answer #24

Not understanding that every one is son of god. and he only gives all religions according to once capability and understanding.

Answer #25

its people who makes god look bad, it is the duty of man to spread the word of god. That everyone can hear, either if they believe it or not….

Answer #26

Well thats a no brainer @Jeremy

Answer #27

…but sadily for you jewish law does not apply to christians.

Answer #28

Religious faith is the strongest emotion, other than sex, for man. If his faith is threaten he will fight to the death for it. It promises immediate entry into heaven. Why wouldn’t one do that. The truth is church leaders use conflicts to control man, and always has. Most people don’t think, they follow. What ever a church leader says man agrees and follows. Most religious conflicts down through history have been for the protection of that religion. Take the 1st Crusade. It wasn’t for the purpose of recapturing the Holy Land, it was to give the unemployed something to do. There were millions without work. After the millennium the Vatican wanted to thank God for sparing the lives of the people so had to think of something that would keep people busy, along with praising God, and that was to recapture the Holy Land. The real purpose for taking the Holy Land was for finding something we all don’t know what, the Vatican knew and kept it a secrete. A special group in the Knights Templar, the Vatican’s Knight, only a few knew, were to find this something. They found it and that ended the their stay in the Holy Land. Subsequently, the Holy Land fell to the Saracens after that. The Knights Templar had an audience with the Pope and that began the Knights Templar’s reign over the Vatican. This lasted up to October, Friday the 13th, 1307. Black Friday, that is why the number 13 is said to be unlucky. On that day the Pope and the King of France raided the Knights Templar, killed most of them, what they could capture alive were put to the inquisition. Fortunately, a small group of Knights Templar escaped to Scotland were they started the Free Masons. The secrete is still with the Masons and only, and I mean only a few, know what that secrete is.

Christianity isn’t the only religion to cause strife, others have done it as well. It all comes down to power, control and preservation of that religion.

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