raped hurtman

I am a 35 yr old black that was raped about 3wks at a truck stop in mississippi.I was very sick and took 1 to many benedryls . It very had me messed up .All I remember is throwing up and falling to ground and being helped up by 2 men .When I came to I was being held and sexually assulted by them I fought them off and ran like hell.I didnt go to police because I dont wanna be in paper or in the news .But I told my wife and she said she would help me threw this but it has changed …Its bad enough I fault myself but the way she acts is that I should man up and get over it .I try to keep busy is helps some times but not others .I love my wife but something tells me she might leave me and right now I really need her …Any suggestions please help

Answer #1

I’m very sorry for what happened to you…what a horrifing experience…

I think it would benefit both of you to go to a counseler about this…your feelings of “faulting yourself”…which reads to me that you are “blaming yourself” in the same way many wormen do, is faulty. You are NOT responsible for what happened to you…you were victimized. This thinking…and probably other thought processes, including depression are all part of this crime. They may also be skewing how you view your wifes reactions…

Go to a counseler, and get some help unraveling your feelings…HER feelings…and some tools to put you back together again…


Answer #2

Well, being raped is a hard thing. Most people don’t get over it easily, and your wife should be there for you. After all she should LOVE you. The vows “In sickness and health, for better or worse.” She took should go into effect here. I’m really sorry for what happened, but you need to talk to your wife about it. Tell her how you feel about how you see her not really caring and talk it out. Remember: Conversation is key. She shouldn’t blow up and storm out. Talking it out is the best way to solve things instead of just getting up and leaving.

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